I feel the same. Far too many 2000 songs going through. My all-time favorites are between the years 1963-1993. I just wish I had discovered this 'contest' a little sooner so I could have helped vote through some of them.so basically all 2000's song are going through. the oldest song so far to qualify is from 1971. frustrating, all you children who only vote for the most recent songs. im only 26 and i feel like the only one who appreciates the older songs.
It sure seems like that is the case, isn't it? Something's not right when over half of the songs going through to the second round are from the last decade only, with the remaining 4½ decades sharing the other percent.I agree with Spanky thats some of the older ones are not getting through beacuse people just don't bother listening to them and just award the songs they already know, I've said it all before. I just hope that the legend of the song from (1966) Dickie Rock will qualify.