I've decided to give this entry 4 points. My contemplation:
The lyrics of the verses are a bit simple. 'Cheesy' is not the right word, I think. But I've seen and heard songs with lyrics way worse (and far simpeler) than this, there are just countless examples of them ('Hop onto my ship baby, I'll make you fly' = good example of cheesiness).
(Result: Minus 0.5 points)
The melody of the chorus is quite a find. One of the most original this year. And the most wonderful thing is that the music tones of most of the lines are going down instead of up, but the overall song remains catchy and uplifting. This is quite unique.
This song sounds like a experimental piece of music, it has an innovative quality to it. That cannot exactly be said of so many other entries. My opinion.
Although it's built up of mainly electronic sounds, it sounds original. Not the most usual, predictable, generic electro sounds have been used here (unlike for example the Swedish entry)
The new version compared to the old version has some additions that I don't like (result: Minus 0.5 points)
-I don't know what it is they added between 0:57 and 1:00. Space/carnaval/kindergarten sounds. It sounds childish (und superfluous).
-I don't like the additions from 1:40 (guitar-esque sounds)
total: 5 minus 2 x 0.5 points = 4 points.