You need to check your facts before spreading false information.
Turkey officially withdrew in late 2012 (December), not in 2013. So it was before Ibrahim Eren got his position.
TRT stopped broadcasting the show after they withdrew. They did not stop broadcasting in 2018.
I am not sure where censoring the Finnish performance came from. Allegedly Eurovision media claimed that TRT was going to broadcast the show but they decided not to after the rehearsals. These reports and news are copy paste of one another. But TRT had already released their schedule for May before the rehearsals began, and TRT never intended to broadcast the contest even then, and never sent a delegation to Malmö to begin with. Also no Turkish sources ever mentioned anything related to it.
I'm not writing a bachelor thesis here - I'm not spreading false information per se and I hope that you don't expect me to look for TRT's programming/schedule from May 2013 now.
Turkey took part in 2012 - they officially didn't take part in 2013 - That's what I was referring to - TRT hasn't come back because of LGTBQ issues ever since- we got sources - offical sources from TRT's head.
There's no way to make it sound any better.
(you're right, though, about the kiss, TRT didn't broadcast ESC 2013 - they didn't "censor" the kiss but it is believed that the channel didn't want to broadcast it. Officially, TRT officals stated that a show like "Eurovision wouldn't bring in ratings" - something which isn't really convincing, imo).
You don't expect me to "check" TRT's programming from May 2013 or any Turkish sources, do you? - I can only refer to Eurovision media and (run by the German broadcaster which also said that Turkey don't take part anymore because of performances like Finland 2013
Warum nimmt die Türkei nicht mehr am ESC teil? "Dr. Eurovision" Irving Wolther wirft einen Blickt in die ESC-Geschichte des Landes - und findet interessante Hinweise.
Die Türkei will auch künftig nicht am Eurovision Song Contest teilnehmen. Angeblicher Grund: der Auftritt von Dragqueen Conchita im Jahr 2014 in Kopenhagen.
I get you - TRT named "rules" as a reason in late 2012 but the rules have been changed - and TRT's officials have changed the narrative themselves and explicitly mentioned LGTBQ visibility as a reason for Turkey to not come back for now.
When I wrote about what fans/I think, I also wrote "I think" - of course, one could be naive and just believe that TRT isn't coming back because of the "rules" (again, something they said in 2012 but debunked in 2018 and clearly, officially and explicitly mentioned "Conchita/gender/men dressing as women" as a reason to not brodcast and participate anymore) but we got a very clear statement from TRT's head commenting on ESC 2014 onwards, at least.
So all in all, Turkey withdrew in Dec 2012 for the 2013 edition because of "rules" but from 2014 onwards, it's because of "morals" which need to be "corrected" so that Turkey could come back as Eren said to a Turkish newspaper (Hürriyet) in 2018.