I'm happy Greczula was #1, just think the song wasn't that good, still. I don't think he can win the whole thing, really. The production is just too wimpy, for a "rock" song it's so weak and static. Besides the drums being too low in the mix, i figured out one reason is the chord instruments are too sustained, just long notes where they should be more rhythmic, that would give it more of a driving 70s-80s schlager-rock feel like they were aiming for. Now it just sound oddly toned-down and unsatisfying.
The other songs....yeah, not as bad as the horrible previous heat, but still not much. Björn i expected nothing from and he delivered it. Dolly Style came across as a live action My Little Pony, and i don't get why their clothes are so cheap and generic, it's like they chose them at H&M just because they came in the right colors? If you're gonna be a visual concept band, put some effort into it!
Angelino really disappointed me, i thought he had one of the best songs in 2023 but this was a nothing burger. Also, what's with all the spiky jackets, some kinda weird trend this year? The staging is also oddly similar to Norway's and Armenia's entries this year...
I find it funny that Malou Prytz went from conjuring Britney Spears to Jessica Andersson. And then Annika... good performance, barely okay song but still better than the rest, and she comes across as oddly out of place on stage, like an old school teacher with forced and awkward facial expressions. Don't think she has any chance of winning either, i'm still betting on Scarlet for now.