I feel like some people are having a tiny case of bias towards Medina because it's in Swedish. Very clear step down from In i dimman in my book, maybe the staging will make me feel different. Sounds way too much FIFA and not enough Medina.
Not too crazy about the Norwegians either, basically just another version of Air. Can't remember the melody after listening to the clip several times.
Did Jacqline just win? If he isn't put first in the running order I think Danny could still place pretty high. His lack of staging might not be an issue, Swedes voted for Bagge's slideshow, and this is such a weak year the televote might just go for a face they like. Both of their stagings genuinely suck, and need to be updated in case they go to Malmö.
On paper I thought this could have been a pretty good year, I don't really mind the line-up being mostly returnees since we're hosting. But I can't remember a year this dire. 2017 wasn't great either, but not at this level. Ironically 2013 maybe? No stand out song at all.