Really weak songs this time. Jacqline's entry felt very professional but lacking in substance and melody. I guess the good parts were enough for her to win this heat, though.
Clara Klingström's entry was very weak, even worse than i expected from the preview. Nothing happened at all. Same with Kim Cesarion, impossibly generic song with a staging that was a boring, male version of Jacqline's. In fact the stagings were really similar here - four entries had the singer surrounded by dancers in identical outfits, with nothing else on stage.
Klaudy was really boring, i guess people thought it was a slightly more solid song than the two that went out.
The real star is of course La Gunilla.... i'm kinda disappointed this didn't go DTF, the audience seemed most enthusiastic about her. Cazzi Opeia just felt like more generic pop with a slightly more creative staging, and better songwriting than the rest. Pretty sure none of these acts are gonna be the winner....