There are plenty of orders in Sweden, both religious and non-religious. And Illuminati is probably the opposite of an religious order. A quick fact check would have prevented you from looking rather silly.
But this topic is probably the furthest thing away from what should be discussed in this thread.
Well, I did check and if you think I look silly - fine with me.
But I can honestly say I never understood the fascination of illuminati (which as I understand it historically has everything to do with the Catholic church). I'm aware there are all types of societies which have an order-like structure in Sweden (e.g.
Svenska Frimurare Orden and
Godtemplarorden-IOGT), but they are (almost) all from late 1800s and 1900s AND none of them have or ever had any official status or even the slightest power or influence. They are all private amateur societies and have been on decline for a long time. The idea of a secret society of powerful individuals in Sweden such as a
Swedish Illuminati is ridiculous. Where is the attraction for a modern Swede? Anyone would be a laughing-stock even just talking about it. However (and this was my
not very serious point) there are plenty of societies trying to revive ancient traditions including
midvinterblot. That's why I included the amazing national romantic picture by Carl Larsson.
Would I jump at an invitation to Swedish Illuminati? -No.
Would I like to participate in a midvinterblot? -Hell yes!