Re: Survivor NSC
Who said that starving a bit hurts anyone in survivor? Anyway we are moving on. And to get this going the next challenge starts now.
Pixuså Ætiß
Mrs Filipovski
The Lametribe aka too lazy to send a name
My Star
Who said that popularity is not important? It certianly is. Good tv show ratings are hard to get and viral campaign never hurts. So the next challenge is a shamless popularity contest.
Your mission is to get people to post in this topic and say that they support your tribe. Who gets more people wins. You can persuade, scam people, be nice or sneaky.... whatever just as you get more people. To avoid total spamming there are a few rules: 1 person can only support once and only 1 tribe. The players can't support their tribes. No making fake accounts. No spamming people with PMs you don't even know. And well i keep the right to change the rules if anyone goes against the spirit of them.
This challenge ends in about 72 hours from now.