I see what you did there
I mean, we all have some guilty pleasures - but in my naive state of mind, juries should be voting for quality entries/progressive entries or well-produced/written "hits" (I could live without the last category but it seems to be the biggest approach by juries nowadays).
Personally, I think that "Esa Diva" is the least competitive Spanish entry since Soraya - dated and cheap (thanks to the revamp). The original version was still fun (in a verydated but camp and Eurovision-esque kind of way).
But what is left now? - I think it's the strongest contender for last place since "Embers" and "I don't feel hate" in 2021.
(I will be glad for people who like it if it ends up higher, of course). Time will tell, I guess - at least, she can come up with a great performance - maybe juries and televoters will award her staging/choreography efforts...