Indeed freaky! I am always wondering... Do these people find lovers? And I mean the ones whose operation failed. For Dana is pretty easy to find a partner.
I think we should do like Greece and send some up-tempo typical Spanish, but instead of Opa, "Ole"
It would be wonderful to take Melody & Los Vivancos back, but after TVE disgrace last year...
A new "Amante de la luna" would be WOW!!!
I always wanted to know how we had done with this, cause I supported this until Vivancos' withdrawal. I'm sure this would've been a top song
But I doubt we're sending something like this, cause Spanish people is usually afraid to send this stuff, cause they think it won't do well in Europe. But our last top-10 were typical Spanish most of them (David Civera, Beth, Ramón, Azúcar Moreno )
So if they found a song with a similar performance, I'd be ok with an internal selection
It's not unlikely the internal selection scenario, regarding to the crisis, they'd save money without hostinf an NF.
But anyways, I'll support the best song, no matter how's gonna sing it
Or just someone who can actually sing (Daniel Diges was brilliant, such good example should be taken into account for the following participations)
btw, if John Cobra goes to Eurovision, then I could do it for Spain next year as well....LOL
Spain – Coral Segovia has announced to Spanish newspaper “El Mundo” that she will no longer enter the Spanish National Final for the Eurovision Song Contest. After a total of 5 unsuccessful entries in Spanish National Finals she also accuses the Spanish television TVE of not taking the contest seriously and states that she believes TVE has manipulated the voting in favour of other artists competing. She participated in 2005 with “Deshojando madrugadas“, 2006 with “Dónde irán los sueños“, 2008 with “Todo está en tu mente” (coming second) and this year with “En una vida” (coming second once more).In 2009 she withdrew her song Babylon before the deadline.
-Yo tambien estaría harto es mas lo hubiera dejado antes ,
If she really believes TVE has manipulated the results, then she should go to the police station or the court and report it instead of throwing bullcrap on other artists
But I don't think she has proofs. Crying is so easy... :roll:
I think we should do like Greece and send some up-tempo typical Spanish, but instead of Opa, "Ole"
It would be wonderful to take Melody & Los Vivancos back, but after TVE disgrace last year...
A new "Amante de la luna" would be WOW!!!