Verjamem & Konichiwa are my favourites
A lovely ballad with good singer and a playful song with nice background music, although both would need some improvements.
I don't like the ending of Verjamem, it sounds too rushed. And I really hope they don't translate it into english, at least not literally ("I Believe"), cause then we'd get a Dima Šerifović wannabe

And Konichiwa gets a bit too repetitive, maybe an interesting stage performance can distract from that.
about the other songs
Malo sreče - I actually like this too, but Europe won't, what sounds like a fun song with ethnic elements to us, usually sounds like a joke song to others (lesson learnt from kalamari)
A si sanjal me - a generic slovenian radio pop, something Nina Pušlar would usually sing
Run - like a really boring gift with nice wrapping, trying to sing a forgettable song in a way it could be memorable, but failing
Love Hurts - weird... all I get from this song is 'laf laf laf' and some mumbling on annoying mellody, but then again that was the same I said for Lena