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Serbia SERBIA 2023 - Luke Black - Samo mi se spava

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    40 24.0%
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    22 13.2%

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ESC United Mod Team

Super Moderator
February 10, 2021

April 10, 2021
Firstly, I don't think that Serbia deserved what it happened yesterday because the song, SONG, was a very good attempt of an original approach and it is actually great studio recording.

I think that Serbia was mostly deluded by The Bubble's fanwanking for the song, which knowing Konstrakta, pulled the parallels and thought this would be Top 10.

Those YT reviewers who created the deceiptful atmosphere around the song being Top 10 are also to blame.

All of the above made RTS and Luke Black's label to assume they don't have to push for promotion of the song and it's enough.

The truth is that the song as such was quite dark, and Luke's mumbling performance didn't make it any clearer for a casual viewer.

For the casual viewer to understand and fully appreciate the song, the staging should have been less dark and intimidating and more into your face straight, and his singing or at least diction much clearer.

Konstrakta was quite smart. She had lyrics subtitled and she added bit parts of the song that could engage the audience in the hall and at home, such as clapping, or memorable simple repetitive chorus bi-ti zdra-va.

Luke had neither of the elements that would have made his song or performance accessible.

I had problems with lyrics of the song as I wrote early on, but I voted for it in both Semi and the GF because I think creativity and being brave to send something out of the box should be awarded.

But that's me, who spends 3 months a year following ESC related info and who's passionate for different music genres. That's not a casual viewer though who watches ESC Grand Final on Saturday night.

But the juries were quite unfair. This just proves that ESC juries aren't diverse enough and that they are mostly Swedish type pop clan, not fully developed versatile music professionals.

Ajeje Brazorf

Well-known member
October 6, 2021
I didn't thought this could have flopped so hard to be honest with you. The fact it only received 16, sixteen, points by the televoters is unbelievable considering we are talking about a country which before this year seemed to be very succesful with televoters. This year something didn't click, I think because the entry was maybe too dark and progressive for the common audience to really appreciate it. I don't dislike the song per se, but maybe the staging was too chaotic too...

But I have no doubt Serbia will come back with something stronger next year and I love them for always sending unique and risky entries...


February 26, 2016
The truth is that the song as such was quite dark, and Luke's mumbling performance didn't make it any clearer for a casual viewer.

I don’t know how it went in other countries but our commentator summarized the lyrics in a few words. Plus the English part which already hints at what to expect. So I would think it was clear even for the casual viewers.

But yeah, the mumbling probably put people off, I read people complaining they didn’t like it. I thought it was bold and got mesmerized by it. I feel kind of uncomfortable listening to it which is GOOD actually because that’s what the song is about. It’s creepy in a good way. I wouldn’t change a thing!

The sound and the dark sci-fi end time theme are epic. His other songs are pretty good too, I checked them out after he was chosen.


Well-known member
August 11, 2014
Dubrovnik, Croatia
Better this outcome than risk getting yourself in a situation where you flop with a safe song.

If you flopped with a safe song, you would have what if conversations.

"Why were we too chickenshit to continue down the alternative route and took two steps back"?

And while Luke was not my favorite in the NF, I immediately thought: "Why pass up on taking a creative endeavor?

Serbia should have no regrets here.
April 10, 2021
Better this outcome than risk getting yourself in a situation where you flop with a safe song.

If you flopped with a safe song, you would have what if conversations.

"Why were we too chickenshit to continue down the alternative route and took two steps back"?

And while Luke was not my favorite in the NF, I immediately thought: "Why pass up on taking a creative endeavor?

Serbia should have no regrets here.

Yazy, what a great perspective and a lesson for all people! 🥰


Well-known member
February 5, 2011
I had this as my 4th or 5th favorite before the contest started, and also thought he was a top 5 contender. But then.... something about the ESC performance just didn't work out, first off he basically wasn't singing anything, which isn't really different from the NF version, but for some reason in the context of the ESC it became much more apparent. Maybe i was just wowed by the originality and strengths of it to see the obvious flaws. The visuals just didn't seem as impressive as i hoped and the song just felt unfinished and anticlimactic.

Still, making the final and 30 points isn't that bad, i think he's among the artists most will want to hear more music by after seeing them in the contest, just thinking he could have done even better with a song that had more singing and an actual chorus.


March 9, 2020
This wasn't really accessible to the older diaspora, though. I think they lost a few diaspora points simply from the fact that this was something 'too weird' for the older viewers who'd vote for Serbia for being Serbia.

Having to wonder if his whisper singing is intentional or not also didn't help.

If the semis were 50/50, this would've NQd.


February 1, 2014
There was one instant in the choreo (when Luke advances with the dancers in a somewhat crouched position) that always rang a bell with me. It always made me think of something and I couldn‘t figure out the association. Today I stumbled over a painting by one of Austrias most important artist of the 20th century, Albin Egger Lienz, and I knew instantly: that was the association I was looking for. The painting is called „To those without names“ and is a reaction on the atrocities of WW 1.
Here it is:



Well-known member
April 13, 2012
I have a big problem with the concept "out of the box". Does this means automatically being a quality song? No I don't think so.
Every year the ESC Fandom is so eager about those "out of box" entries without caring that much if there is a real quality. It's just different and that is the most important quality. No it doesn't function like this.
But the history is full of examples of "out of box" songs flopping or having success. It is simple: some of them have success because the audience like them and recognize a quality in them, even being an out of box song, others flop because aren't good songs or the overall product does not have the quality.
Serbia 22 and Serbia 23 are clear examples.
Konstrakta had a very qualitative song, a ferocious critics about the public health care ( keep in mind that this problem touches the real life of millions) The staging was so artistic, Marina Abramovic style. Simple but so effective. The audience understood and got in touch with that song because she was able to connect with a real life problem which mostly have had to do with.
Luke Black writes a song about how difficult is life nowadays for a young man. And the style he used to stage and transmit his message was similar to a Videogame. Completely disconnected from the real life. To me, as a 43 years old man, it seemed a song written by an annoyed wealthy guy (believe me I listen a lot of this kind of music and it is not so out of box as mostly think). Evidentement, as La Zarre sings, I wasn't the only one, since the song got so little televote points. And not because I'm a boomer or didn't understand it but simply because this song didn't have the quality to be pleased as other out of the box songs had.


Well-known member
May 23, 2017


September 7, 2019
Bavaria, Germany
Yeah, they really didn't. I think it's because Luke is more "flamboyant" and the diaspora is much more conservative. We always give at least 10 points to Serbia.

Maybe this song wasn´t "Serbian" enough for them as well?? I mean withouth the few whispered sentences in Serbian this was a song that could´ve been from any country, Luke was most likely pretty unknown too.


Super Moderator
Staff member
April 12, 2014
Canterbury, UK

This breaks my heart. LISTEN TO THOSE REACTIONS! Serbia, read the room in future please! You could have had something here...
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