Hmm big interest again, so I have to repeat again, WE HAVE ALREADY CHOSEN ENTRY FOR 2015, for our BIG COMEBACK, you can check it:
AMAZING song, Belgrade 2016!!
i know, but Dragana invested a lot of money, she even goes to Bollywood to get some ideas for her ESC performance and outfit, and RTS as one greedy TV station, contracted her in the end!
But I'm satisfied enough, it's an AMAZING song, in Hindu style, it will get a lot of points from the UK (Hindu/Banglo/Pakistani ppl)
What do you eat? Mushrooms? Where do you get them from? Magical Serbian forest? [MENTION=12196]Mrm[/MENTION]
This song actually reminds me the songs that we have in bouzoukia....3 3 3
That song has everything in it actually..all music treasures of the world in 3,5 min!
RTS will not have tv coverage of ESC this year
But next year it seems DM Sat, Dragana's TV from Pozarevac will be the new broadcaster, can't wait to watch ESC from some big stadium in the UK, on DM Sat, and Dragana performing "Pucaj pravo u srce" wearing that magnificent sari!!
This is not funy at all!
Yep, seems like we are definetly back next year which is awesome to hear
Though, I think we should head for an internal selection. The last two times when we had NFs, we chose our worst entries and got the worst results as well. Internal selection FTW.
We will have internal selection, and entrant is already chosen, check it in the previous page..
Actually, I wouldn't having anything against it