This might be the hardest year ever to guess the running order, but here is what I think:
(They need to start off with something happy, but that is not among the favorites, and this song fits the best I believe)
(Something calmer, and also since it has a folky sound, it needs to be put a bit aside from the others that has it as well)
(Need uptempo again, and something that is in the same level as Czech Republic, we all know that Christer likes putting these "duels" to push one of the two songs out, and this might be the one to challenge the Czechs)
(Time to calm this down further, is also a little similar to Hungary in terms of rhythm)
(The first half doesn't have as divisive songs as the 2nd half, but I see Montenegro as one of the most ones in this half, so it is for the best to put the two together, so they don't make people watching change channel too quickly)
(Maybe the most divisive song in this song, so it is for the best to put it right before the first break)
---BREAK--- (I believe breaks will be put between 6-7 and 12-13 in both semis)
(Finland may have the act that has the most props in this half, so I believe they will get this slot, just to assure that everything is put in place)
(Need a ballad again)
(Being one of the favorites in the semi, I believe they want to put them as much further down as possible)
(With very few ballads in the 2nd half, I believe that Georgia is the one that is the closest to Serbia genrewise, both being rockish ballads)
(Need something to fight Cyprus, and Estonia is the one that is the closest genrewise. Also being rather close to Finland seems fair in the duel aspect, since they and Estonia has quite similar songs)
(Need something divisive before the break and one of the most ones in the contest is Portugal. People need time to digest this and also make up their mind about it)
(I have heard that the performance might change, but if it is the same amount of props as the NF, then Australia gets this position.
(Needs something not as extreme now and Belgium is by far the best choice at this spot)
(Back to crazy and also something happy after quite serious tones lately)
(The last woman out is really needed here, also fights with Belgium for the same votes, the non-crazy acts at the end)
(We have to put Iceland last. Anything that is put after it will completly kill off the next song, since people watching will be talking a lot after this song. It is only fair to put it last)
(This semi is almost impossible to guess, but I put Armenia here in the end. It is a cool umtempo song that stands out directly, while not being among the top favorites.
(Time to calm things down, and this fits the best I think)
(Needs to be in a uptempo battle with Armenia, though I think both can go through nevertheless)
(Fights with Latvia about the same votes)
(Something midtempo in the middle fits)
(Time to put one of the faves in now and a song people will talk about during the break. This works IMO, since we don't have too many divisive songs in this half)
(A traditional ballad that also keep the Romanian viewers watching.
(Something slightly uptempo at least to keep the show interesting)
(Another ballad, even if this and Moldova is rather different from each other)
(Fights with Ireland with quite the same votes and also make the Lithuanian diaspora on the island awake a little longer)
(An another ballad fight between Austria and N. Macedonia.
(Needs something uptempo and a performance I feel might get pretty divisive. Will be interesting to see where Christer and his ESC-gang puts this in the running order)
(Needs a male ballad here)
(Norway is the only song here that feels for real uptempo in this half and with so many midtempo and slow songs, they need to be put somewhere in the middle)
(Time for one of the favorites and an another male ballad)
(Even if both NL and Albania has quite dark and slow songs, they do have different temperatures and that is why I put them next to each other)
(Must have something rather uptempo now and this fits very well here towards the end)
(With so many ballads this half, it feels like we must end it all with a ballad, and why not put the man everyone will be curious about watching on the ESC-stage again. Is also close to the dramatic ballad from Albania and as well as the male ballad, and fellow favorite, Netherlands, so it is easy to compare for the viewers)
So yeah, something like that. I am probably wrong on many parts, but it is fun to guess at least!