I watched the second semi again but now with my family.
My sister hated Moldova, Israel and Ireland, but liked Austria, Estonia, Romania, Sweden and Slovenia
My mom liked: Denmark, Austria, Ukraine, Romania, and totally disliked Israel.
My dad liked: Estonia, Belgium, Austria and Ireland
Their general comments:
-Cyprus: whooooa, they're leaning and singing, and what the eff was that lady doing with the ball looking thing, she should have been holding it and raising it up instead.
-Moldova: My sister said: "my fear of gnomes is now getting intensified", my parents were impressed by the unicycler
-Sweden: My sister said: "glass cage fail" and horrible voice, but great dance moves.
-Macedonia: general consensus about the amazing dancers.
-Estonia: great eyes! great on stage.
-Slovakia: great song boring performance, I pointed out though that they had great legs, they agreed

-Ukraine: Sand art!
-Bulgaria: is that Pink? great energy
-Israel: "really now faces" they expected more since I told them that she won back in '98