That is by far, the worst entry in the contest.
There are so many things wrong with it: this guy was never much of a singer, but the composer didn't even try to fit his song to his voice. The lyrics are incredible cheesy, even by Eurovision standards, the production sounds dated, once again, even by what we expect from this contest. It's boring as hell with no surprises, turns, twists, anything.
But the worst is that it doesn't even have ambition: I have hear several bad songs this year, but at least I could see what they were trying to aim for. They failed but at least they try to aim high, even if in the end those songs lacked talent, production or taste. I don't see any kind of oversight with this: I can't imagine a producer listening to this, and thinking, "yep, this is as good as is going to get". Or maybe it is, what makes this thing even sadder.
0 points, not even work as a "so bad it's good": it's just bad.