Re: POCC?? - Russia 2010
^ and I don't really understand why you say that it was set up without any single proof.
yep, they did inject one performer (Jade) before the start of the real selection with televoters. Except there were more rounds. The point is: broadcasters (ie. selection juries) can do ANYTHING they like.
Pryhod'ko was introduced as a wildcard,
her producer negotiated with the channel at least 1 week before the show, right around the time of the deadline. Decision went public 2 days before the final because of the court's decision in Ukraine which was coming too late that's why they decided do not continue the case. When it was clear that Ukrainian court won't add her to Ukrainian final ORT made the public announcement.
btw, her producer is also really famous (he produced VIA GRA band and he composes songs for the top Russian stars) so it also adds some popularity for televoters.
As for general line-up... strong performers were afraid of registering because it was clear even before the NF that Russia won't win (meaning a flop for established performer)... even the head of ORT said that. So there were tons of B-list celebrities excluding Pryhod'ko and Valeriya. Imo, Valeriya wasn't chosen by the jury because Russia would be disqualified by EBU because of her song if she won (1 week before EBU deadline and she had no new song).
If you talk about ties with ORT ... ALL performers in the final had ties with ORT ))) some of them participated in the previous selections. Some of them (like Valeriya) had rich producer and participated in ORT's concerts and projects. Saying that only Pryhod'ko was obvious broadcaster's fave would be unfair.
Asking "why did they hold the NF?" is weird because people also voted among with the jury... though televoters chose top-3 and the jury chose the winner out of televoter's top-3. Pryhod'ko had only 1 more jury's vote than Valeriya. People chose only top-3 performers for the jury.
Every country has scandals, thanks to all dissatisfied performers, producers, yellow press etc. It's a powerful promotional tool. Yep, it's dirty and unnecessary at some point... also performers who start scandals usually hurt their own image. There are A LOT of lies of course. A LOT of real things are hidden etc. It distracts from the ESC entry blah blah blah.
well, 2010

scandals in Ukraine are almost over. After that Vasyl' got enormous promo all over the country

, people who were against him got promotion before Russian selection in order to impress the jury and got support from Ukrainian viewers if they win in Russia. Everybody's happy, lol. Our performers "immigrate" to Russia where RTR would sponsor their ESC entry if they win ))). Vasyl' sponsors his own participation himself so ordinary Ukrainians win too

and he receives big popularity here

I think only people who disagree with internal choice are unhappy, but this is their own problem. All their faves can't go to ESC at once

lol, I imagine what would happen if Russia also chose internally this year. Belarusian, Ukrainian and Russian performers would have "attacked" other countries :shock:
btw. RTR also stated that they can add a wildcard(s) so I don't exclude 2009 situation.