The Deban and William thing: Yeah, of course its not really amazing they are there, but having ESC fans in the panel is always a good idea, because they usually know whats good or atleast entertaining. We wouldve had a better winner for Romania last year with those. In Germany the Panel of Fans made the right decision as well. All I hate at this point is the drama. Its just getting on my nerves, not funny anymore actually. Because I once again see the dislike buttons on YouTube being massive.
All the Drama … I think I care for neither Bella nor Laura anymore. One of them will win, that's pretty clear, but it will leave me cold.
here in romanian facebook eurovision groups it is total war between bella and laura fans.. they talk trash about both of them.. its hillarious
I'd be rofling if somebody third wins on Sundy!
I want somebody totally random now!
I'd be rofling if somebody third wins on Sundy!
I want somebody totally random now!
Seeing how 2019 goes to far - I guess a guy will win and these two will be the runner-ups. It would remind me of Poland 2016 how Margaret and Edyta Groniak made it to the superfinal but lost to Michal Szpakó or Estonia 2008 where Iris and Birgit lost to...Kreisiraddio.if someone random wins .. that person have to deal with bella and laura fans.. poor guy/girl
You mean, a Romanian equivalent of Inga?
hahahahhah I'm sorry but such a BOP doesn't exist here!