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Well-known member
December 23, 2010
Westchester - Los Angeles
Getter! your vocals was better before! she didn't sound too great today, but the backdrop was amazing :)

Maja- on par with Austria and a bit below Ukraine :) In general, very satisfied with her voice, I wish she was more expressive on stage though


Well-known member
May 22, 2010
Oh fantastic, they were brilliant!! :D The only rehearsal that imo has been good!! They've clearly outshone nearly all the other participants in singing too - all except a very few have been out of tune and Jedward were actually in tune!! JEDWARD FTW!! :mrgreen:


May 14, 2010
Estonia is surprisingly boring and looks messy! I don't get the hype at all...

My fave today is Belarus! Pyyyyyrooo! And the only song people will remember...


ESC Moderator
March 27, 2010
Oh fantastic, they were brilliant!! :D The only rehearsal that imo has been good!! They've clearly outshone nearly all the other participants in singing too - all except a very few have been out of tune and Jedward were actually in tune!! JEDWARD FTW!! :mrgreen:

The only good rehearsal? Are you serious?


Active member
February 6, 2011
Suwałki, Poland

Would sound better if one of these were lipsynching
Would sound even better if both of them were lipsynching
Would sound amazing if this was Nikki Kavanagh instead of them


Well-known member
October 1, 2009
So time to rank the 2nd part of the 2nd semis rehearsals!

1. Estonia - I love the backdrop and the preformance is so much fun! Getter sings really nice and looks stunning in that dress! :D The preformance may also feel a bit childish, but I could live with it. Wouldn't be surprised if Estonia happens to be the childrens fave and manage to be top 5! :)

2. Bulgaria - Poli sings the song great and the backdrop makes the lyrics more understandable. She is styled so cool, even I am unsure about what I think about the dress. I have been thinking it would be hard for Bulgaria to pass to the final, but now I am sure, they will! :)

3. Latvia - A really good preformance, classic but still modern in a way. Good that the fovus is on those two and not on something in the background. They both sound great and this has the chance of making it, cause we've had a few disapointements today that they can take the place from.

4. Romania - Really nice and colourful performance! Even if the woman who is dancing with the trumpets is a little disturbing, I can at least enjoy this preformance. Though I am not sure about the singers outfit, it looks like a mix of a suit and Romanian folk outfit..looks just weird to me. Oh well, This will pass easily! :)

5. Denmark - Well at least the singer doesn't look like a corpse anymore. Well nice having black as a theme in the preformance, even if it would have won with a background in an another colour. But it may look good on TV, so this will pass easily! :)

6. Ireland - They need more rehearsals indeed to make it work, cause now they even get angry at each other when the other bro is doing wrong! xD The backdrop looks very cool though. This preformance could get annoyingly good I'm afraid and could even shock everyone and pass through...:/

7. Slovenia - Maja sings this really well and I love the mystic feeling the song gives..but jesus christ, what happened to the show!? It is good we don't see any black men dancing weird, but this is super boring instead. This has been made so many times before so people will forget about instead. And to be honest, that dress could be a nominee for Barbara Dex, awful! :(

8. Belarus - haha well I have been one of those that have really loved the Belarussian entry this year, cause it is so damn catchy and looked awesome in the vid. Now we get to see her live and I gotta say..I am a bit disapointed, but not exactly suprised. :p She sing well, but the song is too high for her voice and the preformance is just too stilt, where is the dance, where is the moves. Well the fist in the sky-move is still there, so it isn't the worst of the day. :p

9. Israel - Is this the modern preformance that Dana was talking about?! Oh please, bring that woman back from the 90s, cause apperantly she doesn't live in the same time as we do. This is almost as old-fashioned as the preformance in the NF and it doesn't help one of the voices that people can get hard to like I am afraid. BORING and I'm sorry to say that Dana Internation will be one of the "failing divas of Eurovision" now. :(

10. Macedonia - Oh do I really have to comment this? It's horrible in my taste. Why is he singing the first phrase in english and never go back later on?! I don't like other countries trying to make fun of other nationalities, and especially Russians has been done so many times before. No, absolutely one of the worst I've seen this year (but Croatia was worser I think..).

So time to rank all the preformances in the semi, and it looks like this:
1. Bosnia & Herzegovina
2. Ukraine
3. Austria
4. Estonia
5. Sweden
6. Bulgaria
7. Moldova
8. Latvia
9. Romania
10. Denmark
11. Ireland
12. Cyprus
13. Slovenia
14. Belarus
15. Belgium
16. Israel
17. The Netherlands
18. Slovakia
19. Macedonia


Well-known member
April 6, 2010
I know I'm biased (although I dislike our entry) but I cannot agree with most of the criticism towards Getter's performance. It definitely was not perfect, but most of the faults seemed to be sound/technical problems which can easily be fixed and she has 8 days to improve her performance. I'm sure the semi-final performance will be much more enjoyable.
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