These artists you see before you all share something in common. That’s right! They’re all
Turkish men who like to sing songs. And if you’re Turkish and you want to release music, there’s only one place to go,
netd müzik. There are over twelve thousand videos uploaded to the netd YouTube channel, and I made it my goal upon becoming the Turkish Orient Matsuri juror to listen to every single song. During my journey I compiled a shortlist of over one hundred and thirty Turkish hits that I felt were suitable. Over the weeks I have whittled them down to the eight gentlemen you see before you today. At least one of them will be competing at Orient Matsuri and you will choose a man for Orient Matsuri 7. Using your wig travelling distance as measurement for how much each delicious treat here got you excited, it’s sure to be a thrilling experience. Your wig may keep itself airborne for up to ten miles, at which point it will reach me with my big old net to stop it from going any further and possibly flying away forever.
To vote here please send over a private message telling me how many miles your wig travelled for each song. Half miles are allowed and your wig may possibly not even leave your head. What are the chances of that though, for these are all netd classics.
You have time to vote until the night before the entry submission deadline for OM7. Happy, safe wig flights to you all