Their just upset their favorite didn't win
Will you
please please please stop saying that when you
can't know what's going on? This is not about Catarina as she's not an issue anymore. She's no great singer anyway and her song was not that special.
This is about a very wealthy man who arrogantly decides for his country
with RTP's quiet backing.
The facts, apparently are as following: Rui and Catarina won the semi with 9000 and odd votes, Rui being first. Suzy was 5th with 4000 odd, very close to the 6th place. The rule was one vote per phone.
Final had 1000 more viewers than semi final. Rule was, "vote as much as you want
and can afford".
2007 Portuguese entry was also from Emanuel. It seems to have come out that most of the votes it received have come from 3 places: his office, a call center in Portugal and a call center in France. Nobody talked about it at the time.
41% against 23% at present is simply gross. You hardly hear a voice defending Suzy and her song around here. I mean, where are all these people?
RTP is the one to blame, of course. I don't know what kind of deal they made with this man, but they must have made one and it was surely worth the trouble.
Can you really blame anyone for feeling cheated, regarless of the other songs?