Re: Paperland NSC84: Torfrock - Beinhart
Hollidays aren't a good time for making decisions...
I'm crazy, sorry for that people... and i decide that "Ich auf mein Geschwätz von Gestern scheisse!" (word for word translation: I **** on my silly words from yesterday) and decide to get back to my first decision. It is such a wonderful song and i should give a **** about the similarity (both are electronic and have strings) between this song and my winning entry
I hope, S&C wont be angry with me for changing again... :?
Adrian Zaar - Warten (Waiting)
It is still dedicated to my time on the Waiting List
And it goes about waiting/searching for the real love
It is my alltime-favourite atm and i (i had said, that i'm crazy, you know?) played it over 4'000 times on my media player since march 2011
I love the really beautifull video too!
So... and now i should go offline untill the confirmation deadline...