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Nurdia (RETIRED)

Le Bruit

Well-known member
October 2, 2009
Québec City
Please consider my comment in the results thread, and realize that we NEED you and Eurobeat in NSC.


Staff member
September 28, 2009
Sad but not unexpected, I enjoyed having Nurdia around all the same. All the best going forward xrose


August 4, 2018
San Diego, California
Please consider my comment in the results thread, and realize that we NEED you and Eurobeat in NSC.
I appreciate the support, but I've already given plenty of chances to the NSC contests and feel that continuing any further is not worth it. Last time I reserved a eurobeat song (one of my personal favorites, "I Just Wanna Find You"), it finished dead last. Music has always been one of the most important sanctuaries in my life, but having tastes out of the norm has been difficult for me because it has chased away so many potential friends in my life. My bad record here is too much a reinforcement of the trauma that I'm still struggling with today.

Ana Raquel

OM Mod
Staff member
March 3, 2018
Sorry, but after several more months of contemplation, I have officially decided to retire Nurdia from NSC. I wanted to at least make it to edition 200 and send at least one eurobeat entry. Predictable result, though at least it wasn't last.

I do horribly enough in these contests that it genuinely hurts my self-confidence about my taste in music. Every single time a results show takes place, my pulse starts accelerating in dread, and pretty much every time I'm bitterly disappointed with the result. It leaves me feeling indifferent about the contests, to the point that voting feels like a chore I have to get out of the way, rather than a fun side-activity in my schedule. I've already burned enough bridges anyway, so I don't expect to make any real new friends on a site that basically shuns me for appreciating the wrong things in music, intentionally or not.

I hope you can understand that this is all personal choice and simply what I feel is best for my mental health.

Thanks to everyone who supported me this past year.
I'm glad you could send some eurobeat with us xheart please be safe and well


Super Moderator 🌴
Staff member
March 1, 2013
It really is sad to see you go, but ultimately your own personal mental health and wellbeing comes first. Besides if you're not gettiny any enjoyment out of it then why continue to subject yourself?. Thank you for sharing the music you like with us throughout your NSC time. Hopefully one day you might wish to return. xheart

Deleted member 5361

Your mental health is the most important. I hope you find your inner peace soon, and hope to see you back in NSC one day. Sending you hugs! 🌸🌺


Well-known member
April 21, 2013
Sorry to see you go, I did really like some of the stuff you've sent (especially "Millennium" which is a song I absolutely adore, and "Another Cup of Coffee" - I remember I gave high points to both of them). Mostly it's due to bad luck such as being drawn into the tougher semi, which I can attest to many times over and I know how it feels to dread results shows knowing that a song that you believe in is about to fail. It just feels deflating most of the time.

But as I said before, I'm not going to give up. And I'll think of you as time marches on.

Music has helped me a lot through tough times and I hope it continues to do the same for you. Hopefully one day you'll come back with a renewed focus and spirit.

Tsuyoku ikiro (Stay strong)! :) ::nur::sak


February 24, 2010
Lisbon & Kordavian Islands
@PopGeek I perfectly understand how you feel and your decision. However, taste differs, you don't have to feel bad or have the idea that your taste is less than others'. Never understimate what you love and who you are, in the end, this is an online contest where many of us have spent a whole year or even more without qualifying. You're not alone there.

Be brave and keep loving what you do. It's something that you're completely entitled to without thinking that you are in a sensitive position when compared to others. You're not. NSC is great, but all these results don't reflect the quality of our taste, because there's not such thing.

In the end, it's the right decision if it makes you feel bad or if it affects your mental well-being. I wish you all the best! xrose


Mod of All Things
Staff member
January 13, 2010
Trollheimr / Westrobothnia
Will be very sad to see you go. :( Each nation always brings something unique to the contest. But I completely understand the feeling of having a taste that matches no one else, and how lonely it can feel. xrunhug This was my reality from childhood and into my mid 20s. This forum (and another forum) was the first time in my life I ever found people who liked the same weird stuff that I liked.


Well-known member
September 28, 2009
Sad to hear this, but I can totally understand if you are feeling overwhelmed at the moment. Still, I want you to know that your contribution to the contest is greatly appreciated from my side (and judging by other people's comments, they feel the same), even though the results may not reflect that. But, trust me, results are not everything, and for me personally, they are completely secondary. I love NSC because of the amazing community and because of a unique opportunity to discover songs and artists that I probably wouldn't discover any other way. Of course, I feel great if my entry ends well, but this aspect is least important to me. I like to share songs that I listen to privately, and if some people happen to like it - awesome. If not, I don't feel they are wasted. Each entry adds some value to the contest and your songs also added enormous value, especially because you were focusing on the genre you like the most. You may not feel like that now, but europop contributed to the diversity of the entire contest and this is something I appreciate a lot.

I hope we will see Nurdia back at some point. All the best to you xrunhug


Well-known member
February 10, 2012
ישראל || Lach, Cherniya
Mental health first like many here have said, I thoroughly enjoyed the vast majority of your entries, there was always a special flair in Nurdia and the personality that enriched this contest in my eyes. You will be missed and hopefully you'll come back one day. xheart


Well-known member
October 3, 2009
Trondheim, Norway / Niavara, Balearica Island
Sorry you feel this way, but I understand how you feel. There was a time I didn't feel NSC was the place for me either, my results were poor, and I started to take it personally. Despite a recent good run, my results are still pretty poor, but I no longer take it personally. I've realized this is a Eurovision forum, and my taste in music doesn't scream "typical Eurovision fan", so poor results are to be expected.

I do have friends that like the same music as me, but the vast majority of them are people I have met at the events I've gone to, and not people I already knew. I can easily travel for 5-10 hours to go to a concert, I do it nearly every month (at least before the pandemic hit), and have done for about 10 years. But I usually do it alone, because hardly any of my local friends are willing to put in that much time and hassle just to listen to music. But to me, music is too important, and if I have to travel alone to listen to the music I love, then that's what I'll do.

I just want to suggest one thing. Even if your results in this contest weren't very good, look behind them. Every single one of your entries got points. Even tho they didn't necessarily click with the contest as a whole, there was someone in every single edition you took part in who liked your entry. You're not alone. ;)

Take care, hope to see you back one day. xheart

Shoutout to a few Nurdia entries I thought were pretty awesome:
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