Congratulations to Akkaville, i loved the song, as you can see from my points
*Takes a deep breath*
I would like to thank Pigeon Island, Bacchus, Orangualia, 10 Regions of Mobius, Balearica Island, Fervorosia (12, wow :shock:
), Xorientia, Kamande, Tir an Abhainn, Waloria, Comino, Noizeland, Reignland, Arjastan, Berceniland, Viola per Sempre (12
), Zoidiac, Prasia, Yaponesia, Horehronieland, Blondania (yay for 12, i was hoping for some Blondania love
), Zombira (omigad another 12, things got rather surreal at this stage
), Ugaly and finally Adamsburg.
24 voters!! That means almost half of you liked my entry enough to give it points, that's such a wonderful feeling
This was certainly a heart-in-mouth results show (for me at least
), it's such a shame i didn't see it live! I certainly proved the odds wrong
And so the tradition of Halito rarely qualifying but prequalifying most times they do is continued
It's now 12 qualifications, with 6 of them leading to prequalifications xD
Finally, i'd like to thank ixic for hosting such a fantastic show!
EDIT: And...Halito won semi 1?! :shock: Wow, that's pretty cool.