Question 1
Predict the prequalifiers!
01 - Comino
02 - Mooseland
03 - Horehronieland
04 - Waloria
05 - Flora
06 - Zaprya
Question 2
Of the prequalifiers, who will finish higher, and where will they finish?
Akkåville - 9th
Cydoni-Gibberia - 26th
Ugaly - 23rd
Greenfroze - 21st
Zoidiac - 18th
Berceniland - 28th
Question 3
Of the non english language songs in the final, where will the following finish, with points:
Nathalie Giannitrapani - Vivo Sospesa - 13th
Goulasch Exotica - Betyárvizit - 19th
Caprice - Enter Laoris - 15th
Model - Buzdan Sato - 5th
Nora Istefi - Dy Shoke - 11th
Question 4
Predict how much points will the three voters give to a country.
Kostanovia, Flora & Vedatistan to Xhanostania. - 16
Pigeon Island, Cydoni-Gibberia & Calypso to Zaprya. - 18
Ugaly, Virgohronie & Celinas to Rumia - 10
Question 5
Predict the bottom 10!
19 - Yaponesia
20 - Kostanovia
21 - Greenfroze
22 - Zombira
23 - Ugaly
24 - Llama Republic
25 - Adamsburg
26 - Cydoni-Gibberia
27 - Orangualia
28 - Berceniland
Question 6
Predict 12s
10 Regions of Mobius -> Rumia
Adamsburg -> Dalisska
Akkaville -> Xhanostania
Angelic -> Waloria
Arjastan -> Orangualia
Balearica Island -> Yaponesia
Berceniland -> Zaprya
Blondania -> Greenfroze
Bokia -> Xhanostania
Calypso -> Mooseland
Canedonia -> Flora
Celinas -> Horehronieland
Cleoreantia -> Comino
Comino -> Cleoreantia
Cydoni-Gibberia -> Yaponesia
Dalisska -> Zoidiac
Fervorosia -> Kostanovia
Flora -> Xhanostania
Gozitania -> Zaprya
Greenfroze -> Zoidiac
Halito -> Ugaly
Horehronieland -> Akkaville
Kamandé -> Reignland
Kingdom of Eras -> Greenfroze
Kostanovia -> Akkaville
Kuki-Q -> Zombira
Llama Republic -> Orangualia
Lyapunovia -> Berceniland
Mooseland -> Waloria
New Acadia -> Flora
Noizeland -> Halito
Orangualia -> Bacchus
Perryfornia -> Xhanostania
Pigeon Island -> Akkaville
Prasia -> Flora
QuiénDQ -> ?
Reignland -> Berceniland
Reym-L-Dneurb -> Cydoni-Gibberia
Roseland -> Berceniland
Rumia -> Flora
Scorpionia -> Akkaville
Serenate & Clair -> Virgohronie
Sunland -> Comino
Tír an Abhainn -> Yaponesia
Ugaly -> Yaponesia
Vedatistan -> Xhanostania
Viola Per Sempre -> Calypso
Virgohronie -> Zaprya
Waloria -> Zoidiac
Xanadu -> Kostanovia
Xhanostania -> Scorpionia
Xorientia -> Zaprya
Yaponesia -> Cydoni-Gibberia
Zaprya -> Akkaville
Zechonia -> Ugaly
Zoidiac -> Dalisska
Zombira -> Rumia
Question 7
How many nations will end with more than 100 points? - 17
Will there be 0 points? - no
Will there be a song with less than 20 points? - no
Will there be a song with 200 or more points? - no
Who will be the WL's favourite? - Akkaville
How many 12's will the winner get? - 2
Question 8
Predict the winning margin - 9