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Active member
March 7, 2014
I don't know you guys (yet), but these are such cute declarations of love :love:
I wish the two of you lots of happiness xheart


Worldvision Mod ❄️
Staff member
February 10, 2019
chocolatine in savouè
That is a plot twist I didn't see coming.

Talking from experience, I totally believe forum can be places where non-platonic relationships can sprout and grow. You seem to have found each other and can only whish you all the best xheart

I swear, fanfiction could never.


Well-known member
September 28, 2009
Thank you so much for the support everyone xheart Your words and your support have really touched me, we got even more than we imagined xheart We both wanted our beloved NSC community to find out first and we definitely didn't make a mistake there xheart We both love this community so much and we treat it as our second family, so it was only natural to make our second family find out before everyone else xheart

The reactions are still coming and pouring in, we even had some old NSCers like Ervin (Scorpionia) and MrJadeEwen/Martin (Mooseland) giving us support, which just gets to show what kind of family NSC really is xheart Even though, sadly, they are not with us here today, we still have a connection, and it feels good knowing that we have the support of people with whom we shared many amazing moments on this exact place in the past as well xheart This community truly is unlike any other xheart

So, I also wanted to use this special opportunity to let everyone know how our relationship is reflected in terms of NSC/other contests as well. Of course, we help each other now when choosing songs also :D And what I really like is that our intuition works flawlessly when it comes to choosing an optimal entry for our significant other xheart

Some examples of that in recent NSC history - Veronika had a couple of options when choosing Helium Vola for her NSC 210 entry and I was listening to all of those potential songs, but "Selig" instantly stood out for me not only because it is very much "my kind of music", but I also saw potential in that song, I saw that it could potentially do very well so I told her to send that song. And indeed, the outcome was almost perfect - she got 2nd place with it in the final xheart Another example is Cazadores from NSC 213, this is another entry that was sent "on my advice" :mrgreen: The intuition works flawlessly in the other direction as well - I had several options in plan when I sent Polnalyubvi to NSC 211. I said I will certainly send Polnalyubvi at some point but I didn't know when and Veronika advised me to send her to that particular edition, she had a good feeling about it. And turned out very well xheart Of course, we know what our next NSC entries will be as well, we have certain intuitions about them, and we will see what the future will bring us xcheer

Another way how this will reflect song-wise is that I will send some of her songs to a similar contest that exists on our Serbian ESC forum (another community that I am a part of......for around 15 years at this point). The songs that I suggested above + other ones like Jadudah and others. It will feel like we are competing together xheart


April 25, 2012
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