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NSC: Absolutely Everybody! PLEASE READ!!!


Well-known member
October 1, 2009
OMG WE DID IT!! Thank you all that has sent songs, chased old NSCers, voted in NFs and nominations! This is so amazing! :D

The first group will be hosted by Yaponesia in a very short time! In that group we will have 26 songs from NSC 1-10! :D


Well-known member
September 29, 2009
Right, so here's the full draw of all 153 songs, mostly done by Adam just now on MSN :mrgreen:
As previously discussed, the way this show will work, is that we still vote for all 153 nations in one final, BUT, they are presented in groups, so that we can listen to them all over time :D

Each group is called a "round" and will be presented one at a time over the next few weeks by different hosts, with the oldest editions first :p Being in different rounds won't make a big difference to the voting, however; all songs are a part of the same show :mrgreen:

The rounds are:
ROUND 1: NSC 01 - NSC 10
ROUND 2: NSC 10 - NSC 20
ROUND 3: NSC 21 - NSC 35
ROUND 4: NSC 36 - NSC 43
ROUND 5: NSC 43 - NSC 53
ROUND 6: NSC 54 - NSC 60

There are some one-song overlaps between Round 1 & 2, and Round 4 & 5 :p Hostings and timings are still to be finalised :D

And now, the full draw :cool:

ROUND 1 (Edition Number)
001. Tomstria (01)
002. Escotia (02)
003. Arjastan (08)
004. Brugia (04)
005. United States of Carmen (06)
006. Hibernia (05)
007. Gabriel (07)
008. Xorientia (02)
009. Venera (03)
010. Mountbatten Island (06)
011. Giggshood (03)
012. Saint Joe & Southgulfia (07)
013. Manoma (07)
014. Maccha-Bentley (04)
015. Unicorn Land of Geysers (09)
016. Galataland (06)
017. Manotto (06)
018. Salona (02)
019. Rupavac (07)
020. Cicvara (06)
021. LetohOikot (07)
022. Andromeda (03)
023. Medina (09)
024. Romeria (06)
025. Astoria (10)
026. Phinechendza (09)
027. Instir (10)
028. Yaponesia (16)
029. Altharia (13)
030. Astique (20)
031. Eurora (18)
032. Elennia (12)
033. Pilimba (20)
034. Orion (18)
035. Lolee (13)
036. Rotterdamus (15)
037. Sunoma (11)
038. Prasia (15)
039. Lusiti (11)
040. Maccha-Brugia (18)
041. Alinta (20)
042. Tüsenia (18)
043. Zombira (13)
044. Vorhota (18)
045. Streets ET (10)
046. Luniana (12)
047. Noizeland (11)
048. Swelatian Moose (17)
049. Ugaly (20)
050. Reym-L-Dneurb (17)
051. Douzland (18)
052. Ogiltere (20)
053. Viola Per Sempre (23)
054. Canamijk (26)
055. Saksjaowie (27)
056. Lost Isle (32)
057. Sillycone Vallery/Groonrorm (26)
058. Spila (24)
059. Pangora (30)
060. Daffodilia (23)
061. Reignland (25)
062. Effiland (27)
063. Liturestia (25)
064. Halito (33)
065. Comino (27)
066. Isaria (21)
067. Starsky (35)
068. Xanadu (24)
069. Jastistia (33)
070. Shamitri (21)
071. Svetonia (25)
072. Tohru (30)
073. St. Lotus (31)
074. Sunland (25)
075. Felicitalya (23)
076. Somborian Republic (29)
077. Comodina (21)
078. Eureka (37)
079. Katzenauge (38)
080. Funland/ia (37)
081. Qele/Waloria (37)
082. Tova (37)
083. Tír an Abhainn (40)
084. UZI (41)
085. Cydoni-Gibberia (36)
086. Mooseland (41)
087. Scorpionia (38)
088. Kostanovia (42)
089. Orovoda (39)
090. Adamsburg (39)
091. Bezzulandia (38)
092. Ametan (36)
093. Swelatie (42)
094. Lafronia (42)
095. Zaprya (40)
096. Lyapunovia (39)
097. Blondania (40)
098. Bokia (43)
099. Calypso (37)
100. Doklea (42)
101. Belvist (38)
102. Dalisska (42)
103. Lukeland (47)
104. Magna Grecia (44)
105. Ecclestonia (48)
106. Indieland (52)
107. Vegetaria (44)
108. Mysticland (43)
109. Gematria (49)
110. Zoran's Islands (44)
111. Fervorosia (52)
112. Erovia (53)
113. Aleksandrija (43)
114. Vedatistan (44)
115. United Islands (50)
116. Zoidiac (48)
117. Zechonia (52)
118. Nightwishia (43)
119. Euro (51)
120. Disqualified (50)
121. New Acadia (53)
122. Begonia (43)
123. Vibesland (51)
124. 10 Regions Of Mobius (48)
125. Celeja (44)
126. Neajlovia (52)
127. Kuki-Q (44)
128. Mylenium Islands (48)
129. Rumia (55)
130. Genext (57)
131. Kamandé (60)
132. Canedonia (54)
133. Flora (60)
134. Horehronieland (56)
135. Celinas (58)
136. Virgohronie (60)
137. Kingdom of Erås (59)
138. QuiénDQ (56)
139. Nukuland (58)
140. Angelic (55)
141. Serenate & Clair (57)
142. Akkåville (56)
143. Orangualia (56)
144. Balearica Island (58)
145. Gozitania (54)
146. Bacchus (57)
147. Cleoreantia (60)
148. Greenfroze (56)
149. Pigeon Island (56)
150. Roseland (59)
151. FSR Kopija (54)
152. Starogardia (58)
153. Berceniland (60)


Just as some trivia, sadly, the following editions are not represented in the songs of 'Absolutely Everybody' ;_;:
14, 19, 22, 28, 34, 45, 46

The decade with the most songs is the 50s :p
The decade with the least songs is (I think) the 20s
The edition with the most songs is NSC 6 (unless it's changed since the updates xD)

Looking forward to the show! xcheer
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April 28, 2010
Hi everybody! its Gabriel here... was just logging on to check news on UK's Blue entry and read all this! Excellent idea Adam... well done! and GREAT name for the show! For those that don't know, Absolutely Everybody was a winner for..... GABRIEL! hahaha.... I saw that Wake Up Call is going to be entry (my other winner).... hmm I guess I would have chose a different song but I wasn't here so never mind :p Anyways, I was shocked to see that NSC is still going strong... and most of the countries I have never ever heard of, so big hello to all you guys.... and a MASSIVE hello to all the people I used to play NSC with... glad you are all still enjoying yourself. I only quit cause NSC was such a big commitment and I couldn't give it 100%. Maybe one day I will apply to re-join!


Well-known member
September 29, 2009
GABRIEL! Great to see ya man! Hope life's good :D Always a pleasure to hear from the oldies :p
Regarding your entry, the show hasn't started yet, so it's still possible for you to choose your own favourite! It might help if you choose your favourite from between NSC 11 and NSC 20 to keep the draw intact, but it's not a problem to change that either xD They key thing is that we get your #1 Gabriel entry in there :mrgreen: So yeah, you should tell us what you would choose :p

And yep, NSC's still going strong, and even if it is mostly a different crowd from before, there's still a good collection of veterans :cool: Glad that you could pop into visit, and you picked a good time with this celebration about to start :D It's always great to see old members still checking up xD

@Milos: Well, the show hasn't started yet, but when it does, then it'll still be a while to get through the rounds to the final voting :p So maybe about 6 weeks til the final deadline? Loadsa time xcheer
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April 28, 2010
Hi takeru! Nice to see I am remembered! Lol. Well if I could choose an entry myself I would choose absolutely everybody just to confuse everyone!! Haha. So if this is possible please change it for me. If not don't worry!!!


Staff member
September 28, 2009
Haha I saw that you had registered again ages ago and I hoped you would be sending a PM my way to join again but it seems not xD Really awesome to see you back though xwelcome


Well-known member
October 1, 2009
Bulgaria / Bulgarie / България
I remember Gabriel took part for the last time in NSC 39, my first edition of voting, as part of the LL. :lol:
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