Balearica Island won't be taking part in NSC 64. I was going to send Rihanna - S&M, and was waiting for the video to be released (which is happening tomorrow), but Cleoreantia beat me to it. And for personal reasons, I can't compete against that song...
Beej pot6 after 20 - 25 editions
You can try matching some of them with traditional ones, though.
Eeeexcellent job indeed!
Very well, I'll give it a go
(although I'm following my memory of the pots back when I used to help out with them, and I haven't for some editions, so the most recent ones have probably changed xD)
Pot 10 Regions = old Pot 1
Pot Adamsburg = old Pot 4
Pot Alinta = old Pot 5
Pot Berceniland = old Pot 2
Pot Fervorosia = old Pot 6 (Juki^^)
Pot Halito = old Pot 3 (and since the birth of pots xD)