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NSC 58 in Serenate & Clair! THE FINALE! DL - 9/10


Well-known member
April 11, 2010
Subotica | Shelley+Nici
Thanks to nati for comments i didn't had


94ayd: yay
ronny1988VPS: adamsburg woog
xDirtyCanuckx: one of my favourite
Ervin: this is soooooo Sweden from ESC xD
ronny1988VPS: very swedish
pn: superboog
Ervin: lol
94ayd: why doesn't this win instead of vps
takemats08: True highlight of this final
94ayd: :-)
SCLenalite: lol
partygirl: .....this is so NOT esc swedish :S
takemats08: It stands out massive
partygirl: boog
Conor: theys are supposedly in mf next year =P
Ervin: it sure is :p
partygirl: no way
Turksh97: boog sorry adam
partygirl: it's not :S
ixxic: this is even not so scandinavian, but only swedish :D
The Adventures of Sean Longstrump: woooooog 8D
strajker: very woog one of the bests
Bojan: this seems more like a joke
xDirtyCanuckx: they kind of remind me of alcaza
xDirtyCanuckx: alcazar
The Adventures of Sean Longstrump: very happeh
partygirl: i really dont get this song
partygirl: alcazar yes but they never win mf moahahah
Ervin: Never let it go, for example :p
94ayd: will get terribly high points from me lach
partygirl: huh
takemats08: This is how you do a catchy song xD
94ayd: maybe 10?
partygirl: hahaha nooo it's not like anything swedish ESC
ixxic: i think this coud really win at nsc20 or in that time
The Adventures of Sean Longstrump: woo, nsc 20 (Y)
94ayd: finally there'll be someone who doesn't like vps lol
ixxic: yep, we oldmen remember it :)
takemats08: Woo
partygirl: i thought this one was going to be stuck in semi in like 16th place
Michel: Ew, I hate this
The Adventures of Sean Longstrump: old men as in when i was 'born' ^^
strajker: this DNQ would be boooooog
partygirl: thank you michel xheart
takemats08: Yeah, you're too young Sean
ixxic: what would you tell if i would mention nsc2 or 3 (3 is still my favourite edition)
Conor: lol people who entered after nsc 16
Turksh97: This song is copy of Eurovision 2007 UK
Turksh97: :/
Conor: youre all noobs.
Ervin: siren-boy :S
Bojan: not catchy at all imo. annoyting even
takemats08: Scooch?! o_O
Conor: o,o
strajker: UK? SHOCK
takemats08: I spose I can see the similarity xD
The Adventures of Sean Longstrump: lmfao
94ayd: so catchy
Conor: Its cos theyre both transport related songs!
94ayd: i can't believe anyone finds it uncatchy...
partygirl: adamsburg = UK ESC 2009
partygirl: 2010*
partygirl: sorry
The Adventures of Sean Longstrump: my time?
Ervin: wtf?!
ixxic: i wouldn't find this similar to scooch
Bojan: well believe it
Ervin: LOL Madde



The Adventures of Sean Longstrump: catchy
takemats08: Celinas boog :(
xDirtyCanuckx: cheryll
SCLenalite: woog
Turksh97: woooog
strajker: Celinas bwoog
ronny1988VPS: parachute was much better
pn: i gave it 0 in the reju but 10 in the final
SCLenalite: I agree with Ronny.
ixxic: catchy and rememberable. bwoog
94ayd: wtf pn
Bojan: it;s my ringtone lol
94ayd: it was 11th for me in the semi
xDirtyCanuckx: :|
pn: its a grower
The Adventures of Sean Longstrump: am i the only one who thinks she's not hot
94ayd: it'll be something like that in the final too i fear
SCLenalite: Also your lastfm avatar :p
xDirtyCanuckx: yes sean
Bojan: yes sean
Bojan: lol
Ervin: this is a fun song ^^
The Adventures of Sean Longstrump: hm. ok
94ayd: yeah bojan's avatar's lol
SCLenalite: omg
SCLenalite: you gonna vote for celinas? well promise this to
SCLenalite: cheryl vote #15 :O
xDirtyCanuckx: lol
takemats08: =D
takemats08: This is what happens when Conor takes over disguised as nati
takemats08: you get these.
94ayd: what's the song even called lol
xDirtyCanuckx: promise this lol
Bojan: she not just hot but the most beautiful woman in the world xheart it;s crazy how stunning is this woman
94ayd: ah yeah lach
The Adventures of Sean Longstrump: :/
94ayd: all i could remember was the weird sound she makes
94ayd: this one
The Adventures of Sean Longstrump: she's a symbol of 'celebrity'
Bojan: in the uk
takemats08: in the na.
The Adventures of Sean Longstrump: yep in the uk and the na
xDirtyCanuckx: a lot of people dont even know cheryl cole here lol


The Adventures of Sean Longstrump: bwoog
94ayd: aaaaaaah
Ervin: Push it up ^^
Turksh97: yaaaayyy
94ayd: something new and interesting
Turksh97: wooogggg
Turksh97: GO! Dani
94ayd: horehronieland might get poitns from me after all :-)
Michel: Horehronieland has had much better entries than this :/
94ayd: well in such a final i like it
94ayd: i never said i hated it
Bojan: this final is pretty decent imo.
94ayd: yeah it has
Ervin: I quite like the final :)
94ayd: it's always better when you're there lach
Ervin: there were like 6-7 songs I liked and couldn't vote for
xDirtyCanuckx: lol it is
ixxic: sean, this is very nsc50es winnerlike :)
The Adventures of Sean Longstrump: all the best songs were stuck in the semi and the others left are apparently boog to people here
Michel: Indeed, Andrea :)
ronny1988VPS: HH bwoog
94ayd: you would've been there if belvist's votes had reachedt he hosti n time
Michel: Hh will probably pre-qualify
94ayd: disappointing :-(
The Adventures of Sean Longstrump: how?
94ayd: i would've surely voted for zoidiac
Michel: Yeah, it's painful :(
The Adventures of Sean Longstrump: oh
The Adventures of Sean Longstrump: right xD


strajker: yaaay VPS
Turksh97: Omgggggggggggggg
Turksh97: yaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy
The Adventures of Sean Longstrump: there's the record breaker
Turksh97: V P S !!!
xDirtyCanuckx: i dont think itll break records
xDirtyCanuckx: even though it will obviously do well
Michel: We always have horehronieland and zaprya as sure pre-qualifiers and then we have all the other countries fighting for the 4 other spots in top-6 xD
The Adventures of Sean Longstrump: well it's the winner
94ayd: ?ime to mute
94ayd: lol
Ervin: this song is nice, but I honestly don't understand all the fuss about it :S
94ayd: how boooooooooooooooooring
Turksh97: GOOO! VPS!
Bojan: /and how do u know it sean?
The Adventures of Sean Longstrump: it's very very very rare for me to like a ballad but this is woog
partygirl: because he's smart
Ervin: I think this will win as well :)
The Adventures of Sean Longstrump: and the last ballad i liked was the flood...8)
The Adventures of Sean Longstrump: or well slow song
Michel: Bojan, i don't think people need any inside-info to know that this will win.. xD
Turksh97: i think will win VPS!
Bojan: the flood was way better but agree this can win..not with a landslide though
takemats08: this isnt FSC, ballads like this arent guaranteed to win. Hi juki! =) (this is Conor)
Bojan: it;s a beautiful song
94ayd: well it didn't win in fsc
Michel: According to everyone's comments this will win easily I think.
94ayd: did it lach
Turksh97: xheart3333333
94ayd: according to me nooooo
strajker: WOOG
94ayd: the world can't be that unfair
The Adventures of Sean Longstrump: it's already got many 12s i guess lach
takemats08: im talking about real FSC andrea =P
Jukica: hey conor lol
94ayd: lol
94ayd: no idea about it
ixxic: bog. i don+t like these ballads without percussions
94ayd: so out fsc is fake
xDirtyCanuckx: i think it will be a close one with this and maybe two other songs
takemats08: well you did steal our name =P
The Adventures of Sean Longstrump: lach andrea you didn't know?
94ayd: HOW DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARE YOUi'll tell matt to ban you
takemats08: XD
94ayd: lach
xDirtyCanuckx: but this will probably win :)
Michel: Andrea, you should join big FSC on the other forum ;)
94ayd: oh no
Michel: apocalexx is there too btw xD
94ayd: another forum lach
94ayd: i know
Bojan: there a many fsc's out there who knows what;s the original one :p
SCLenalite: Omg disconnected, Sorry Wooooooooooooog xheart xheart xheart xheart xheart xheart xheart xheart xheart xheart xheart xheart xheart
takemats08: So, I got back pretty quickly xD
Turksh97: unlimited woooogg
takemats08: If Conor wants to keep up the awesome job, he may xheart
Turksh97: xheartxheartxheartxheart<xheartxheartxheart
takemats08: Oh yeah, and amazing song VPS
ronny1988VPS: thx for nice comments :)
xDirtyCanuckx: when are we doing odds?


strajker: oMG yaaay rumia
94ayd: oh i can stay on mute lol
The Adventures of Sean Longstrump: rumia wooog
Jukica: amazing song VPS, I agree :D
takemats08: Followed by amazing song Rumia
SCLenalite: Very boog to me. :( I dont like it.
Ervin: I'm happy that this qualified! :D
xDirtyCanuckx: me too :D
Michel: Finally an entry I won't talk *** about
Turksh97: so boogg
Turksh97: :S
Turksh97: Worst songs for me so far, Fervorosia, Zechonia, Akkaville, Comino, Zaprya,Rumia
Turksh97: xS
ronny1988VPS: rum got points in semi from me, but in this final i dont know..
takemats08: fine then, I'll stay =P
xDirtyCanuckx: lol
Bojan: it freezes but i;m not missing much
takemats08: I do like this song.
Michel: it gets even better with the vocals
94ayd: i guess that final was so strong
94ayd: as it was only my 8 points
takemats08: I'll be contradictory for the lulz
takemats08: I HATE THIS SONG
The Adventures of Sean Longstrump changed their nickname to takemats09
strajker: Rumia very woog
takemats08: Poor Rumia, we're spamming this amazing song :(
takemats08: Superwoog
takemats08: If spam were points, our spam would be justified
Bojan: yay
94ayd: now this
ixxic: oh, it's over

19 10ROM

xDirtyCanuckx: yay 10rom :D
Turksh97: *I dont wanna listen this song, I closed the voice.
94ayd: i don't know what to think of it lol
takemats09 changed their nickname to seanetars10.
takemats08: Moar woog
Ervin: this is baaaaaaad :$
ronny1988VPS: 10ROM woog
seanetars10: woogish
strajker: WOOG
SCLenalite: I'm sorry but boog for me. :(
ixxic: woog!
takemats08: Tanz xheart
godmeat: Mobius is fantastic this time!
seanetars10: taanz
takemats08: Conor: This is soooo dramatic xheart
takemats08: Conor: Really like it.
takemats08: Ooooh, this is growing
seanetars10: on my first listening i couldn't work out if it was a guy and girl or two girls
seanetars10: sadly it's the former
seanetars10: maybe that should be viewing
xDirtyCanuckx: lol
Michel: Sex
Bojan: not my fave mobius entry tbh.
Turksh97: i love sexxxxxx
Turksh97: looooll
Turksh97: :p
Michel: :D
seanetars10: turksh wins comment of the LL
94ayd: this is grwoing lach
ronny1988VPS: 10rom woog
xDirtyCanuckx: :eek:
94ayd: i was wondering about the sex of the 2nd person
takemats08: Conor: Builds up awesomely
Ervin: this is quite annoying now!


Turksh97: looool
94ayd: KAMANDE
seanetars10: ishtar
94ayd: love it
Michel: Haha yaaaaaaaaaay
takemats08: Kamande, awesome as well
seanetars10: wooog
xDirtyCanuckx: oh kamand?e lol
ronny1988VPS: kamande woog
xDirtyCanuckx: :eek:
Michel: This song finally woke me up for this final! :D
Ervin: the only thing I dislike in the song is the male vocal!
94ayd: another canadian
xDirtyCanuckx: what
xDirtyCanuckx: lol
Veliky: the male vocal? she actually sings it :)
Turksh97: boog
Ervin: it's the same lol
94ayd: veliky's here lol
94ayd: so abruptly lach
ixxic: ethno + hardcore. wining combnation. although i think this could be much ebtter, but i gave it points in semi.
Ervin: yes, the male "vocal" :p
Ervin: him :p
godmeat: it is
Ervin: this part :p
SCLenalite: Boog for me.. :'(
94ayd: french guy's better though lol
Michel: The growling parts are awesome
Ervin: lol
Ervin: riiiiiiiiiiight :J
SCLenalite: Boog for me.. :'(
94ayd: french guy's better though lol
Michel: The growling parts are awesome
Ervin: *hits Gi with a pillow*
strajker: Kamande woog
takemats08: That fact just upped this song's awesomeness
ixxic: yeah, it's woog
94ayd: disgusting
94ayd: lol
Veliky: it's a bit of a shame though, the original song lasts for 6 minutes...
Veliky: it ends a bit abruptely here
takemats08: Conor: Its pretty awesome man =P
strajker: dq i select one thing and when copy new post is in also lol and the old out
takemats08: potential 12.
94ayd: not bad still


94ayd ban: ooooooooooooh
94ayd ban: LOVE THIS
Bojan ban: oyyy thaliaaa
Ervin ban: woooooo ^^
seanetars10 ban: ready for a shock?
Veliky ban: oh scorpionia... (heart)
seanetars10 ban: this is growing on me
Ervin ban: (heart)
94ayd ban: is this used as a soundtrack to some soap or something?
Ervin ban: LOL!
94ayd ban: lol
94ayd ban: ERVINE?
Ervin ban: nope
Ervin ban: many others are xD
seanetars10 ban: bwoog+
Michel ban: Hmm...Scorp is just ok imo
94ayd ban: well it sounds so familiar
strajker ban: sorry bwoog
94ayd ban: like from some soap or sitcom
SCLenalite ban: Bwoog. :(
94ayd ban: or something...
Veliky ban: okay just got here to comment, have to get back to work, or my boss will be mad
Turksh97 ban: bwoog
Veliky ban: ciao todo el mundo! :D
takemats08 mod: Thalia ain't bad really, bwoog+
Bojan ban: catchy and she;s alooker
takemats08 mod: I remember this wasmy fav wayyyy back in Scorp's NSC 20 NF xD
94ayd ban: ?????!
94ayd ban: some greek hehe
Ervin ban: as far as I know, it's not used in any soap xD
Ervin ban: hahahaha
Ervin ban: I don't remember that :$
seanetars10 ban: i get what andrea means
94ayd ban: happy you do hehe
seanetars10 ban: like a latin american soap title sequence
94ayd ban: ahaaaaa
94ayd ban: yes
takemats08 mod: It was an NF with Darin, Thalia and... someone
takemats08 mod: Actually it might've been for NSC 19, with infernal being the 3rd :S
Ervin ban: maybe, yes
94ayd ban: so let me presnet NOW
94ayd ban: new defintion of DISCO
94ayd ban: hehe
Ervin ban: great memory, Nati! :D
seanetars10 ban: a redefinition of disco*
Bojan ban: lovely eyes
94ayd ban: how's it called lol
seanetars10 ban: wooog
SCLenalite ban: wooog!
seanetars10 ban: redefiniton?
94ayd ban: ervine lach
seanetars10 ban: +i
94ayd ban: thalia's song
Bojan ban: antigrower
seanetars10 ban: amar sin ser amada
strajker ban: i guess i'll need some of the comments for scorpionia too...
94ayd ban: thanks
Ervin ban: what did I do? xD


seanetars10: wooog
SCLenalite: wooog!
seanetars10: redefiniton?
94ayd: ervine lach
seanetars10: +i
94ayd: thalia's song
Bojan: antigrower
seanetars10: amar sin ser amada
strajker: i guess i'll need some of the comments for scorpionia too...
94ayd: thanks
strajker: had problems with chat :S
takemats08: Oh, OK
Ervin: what did I do? xD
takemats08: I can do that Dani :D
SCLenalite: Enjooyy the daaay <
SCLenalite: 3*
94ayd: this is not bad AT ALL
strajker: thx
94ayd: though i only gave it 1 in the semi
Ervin: I sure enjoyed the day! ^^
takemats08: "Why do today what you can do tomorrow?"
takemats08: What a bad message... promoting procrastination
xDirtyCanuckx: lol
takemats08: Very naughty
strajker: oh calypso woog
94ayd: wtf
seanetars10: i'll sing this song when i have to do homework
94ayd: lol
94ayd: guys...
94ayd: XD
94ayd: what a motivation to vote for her lol
94ayd: i knew she was greek hehe


seanetars10: alinta a grower
seanetars10: woog now
takemats08: Now here's one that's grown on me
strajker: Alinta boog
Ervin: this seems to be such a happy song! :D
ronny1988VPS: alinta bwoog
94ayd: it's not bad
seanetars10: the there you go bit is really catchy
94ayd: but it'll miss on my poitns
Bojan: it;s a grower indeed
seanetars10: video is scary though
takemats08: road rage much?
Turksh97: boooog
94ayd: lacks something in the melody department
takemats08: Happy, simple song
seanetars10: byee
takemats08: OK guys, the girl in blue. yes or no?
94ayd: whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
94ayd: lol
strajker: beej :(
takemats08: now shes in red.
takemats08: yes or no?
SCLenalite: yes
94ayd: you're a girl
94ayd: lol
seanetars10: you mean is she fcukable?
94ayd: lach
Bojan: she is
SCLenalite: omg :S
94ayd: not sure lach
ronny1988VPS: lol
takemats08: Ahahah xD
takemats08: A "yeah, why not" for me


94ayd: o hyaaaaaaaay
94ayd: vedati
strajker: I WISH A FREEZE NOW xD
strajker: very boog
Bojan: terible lyrics
SCLenalite: omg looool.
takemats08: Dhaffini always wins
takemats08: So I don't see why not for Dafina
ronny1988VPS: vedati bwoog-
Michel: Vedatistan's initial song was awesome...then he changed it for this!? :S
94ayd: no idea what his initial one was
takemats08: What was he initially going to send?
94ayd: or at least don't remember lach
ronny1988VPS: last edition vedati was woog
Michel: It's in the thread. Can't really remember its name.


Well-known member
April 11, 2010
Subotica | Shelley+Nici

25 Kingdom OF ERAS

94ayd: not bad
takemats08: Yeah, that was nothing impressive :/
94ayd: but don't know...
Michel: booh Vedati edited the post so it's no longer there :(
ronny1988VPS: madcon woog
takemats08: This song kinda went over my head in the semi
Bojan: freeze
SCLenalite: Tbh, I hate madcon....
takemats08: Same here perhaps?
94ayd: lol
strajker: no idea is this or bacchus the worst.... but one is
xDirtyCanuckx: this is a really surprise qualler for me
xDirtyCanuckx: this is a really surprise qualler for me
takemats08: Conor: Autotune overload.
xDirtyCanuckx: andrea i retract my statement that comino will finish last
xDirtyCanuckx: there are a lot worse songs
xDirtyCanuckx: not that this is one
xDirtyCanuckx: but listeninig through it, cominos isnt bad lol
Michel: Comino is one of the best
Bojan: comino is superior to this
94ayd: lach norman
xDirtyCanuckx: comino wont win, but it wont do bad
takemats08: Conor: Fun fact: Kingdom of Eras and Kostanovia are veside each other in the draw.
takemats08: they are also beside each other alphabetically.
94ayd: it'll be somewhere in the lower middle lach
takemats08: /funfact.
takemats08: I'm kinda hoping the semi 1 10th place qualler is someone I appreciate being there


strajker: yaaay Kostanovia
94ayd: is this cool?
xDirtyCanuckx: i kind of like the kostanovian song
xDirtyCanuckx: hah
Turksh97: boooooooooooogg
takemats08: Oh, this is just boring :(
Bojan: oh this is good
strajker: woog
takemats08: Oh hey
takemats08: Who was talking about Asian winners before?
Turksh97: I want to throw up
ronny1988VPS: bwoog+ will get some points
takemats08: Because BoA is the fourth
takemats08: tata was the first
takemats08: then ayumi
Michel: Just for the record, has Kostanovia ever been represented by a male artist? :O
takemats08: Yaha
takemats08: Ayumi? o_O
Turksh97: it makes me bored
xDirtyCanuckx: lol michel
takemats08: You mean nami :p
xDirtyCanuckx: i dont know
Bojan: ayumi never won
xDirtyCanuckx: no theyve never had a male
xDirtyCanuckx: i just looked at their wikia
SCLenalite: I think Tata - Nami - BEG - BoA ?
94ayd: have i had a male lol
Michel: Yeah? haven't you?
xDirtyCanuckx: ive had one female and she was my worst position lol
takemats08: oh actually nati, that reminds me =P
strajker: all hhl songs were female lol
takemats08: Frances FSC entry this month is in japanese
Michel: i've had a few females I think
takemats08: Yeah, though I'm trying to think if there were any sneaky middle eastern Asian winners or something xD
takemats08: was a major WTF for me when I heard it.
takemats08: Oh wow really, cool :D
94ayd: i'm so much more into females lol
takemats08: Will have to take a look sometime
takemats08: some ghibli song performed by a breton celtic singer. =P
94ayd: almost can't think of a song by a make i like
94ayd: XD
Michel: Electric Lady Lab was my only 100% female entry I think
Turksh97: bored please next song
94ayd: yeah it's boring...
Turksh97: stand
Turksh97: lool
takemats08: I've had about 50/50 male/female I think
strajker: every of my entries was 100% female xD
94ayd: yay strajker
partygirl: oh she sang love my
94ayd: you're my kinda guy lach


xDirtyCanuckx: wooooggg
partygirl: sounded like löv mah
partygirl: or something
xDirtyCanuckx: :D
strajker: Yaaaay Zombira
94ayd: wtf
Turksh97: ohh
ronny1988VPS: zoidiac woooog !!!
94ayd: aaaaaaaa zombira
Turksh97: over
94ayd: it's not bad
Bojan: another grower
xDirtyCanuckx: great song
94ayd: but not really into it
ronny1988VPS: zombira i mean
94ayd: and then comes xorientia
Bojan: my votes gonna be messed uuuup lol
takemats08: Gonna call this now. Zombira top 6.
94ayd: which is pretty horrible lol
ronny1988VPS: this a great song
xDirtyCanuckx: zombira will finish very high i think
ronny1988VPS: better than the nsc worldcup winner song
xDirtyCanuckx: no not better than that song
xDirtyCanuckx: but its still really good
Bojan: agree ronny
xDirtyCanuckx: i really liked the worldcup song
Turksh97: He is very ugly. I think his ugly mother did not breed him.
Turksh97: loooll
partygirl: went from bwoog to woog
Michel: Imo this isn't better than the song I won with but it's still awesome :D
Michel: And one of the best of this semi
takemats08: It's OK this, but nothing very exciting
takemats08: Enjoyable is the word.
ronny1988VPS: oh 27th song already
takemats08: boy has time flown! =D
94ayd: zoidiac's song was DEFINITELY better
94ayd: and mine too i hope lol
Bojan: looking how many songs grew on me this is a great final actually :eek: :p
94ayd: of this semi? lach
Michel: Damn, I should vote for the Euro cup in fsc :O
94ayd: is that conor nati? lach


xDirtyCanuckx: xorientia
Michel: just reminded myself
xDirtyCanuckx: i love love love this son
94ayd: me too michel lol
xDirtyCanuckx: i dont know why so many people hate it
xDirtyCanuckx: its epic
94ayd: this is the worst lach
94ayd: not sure
Turksh97: omggg this clip so cool
94ayd: not sure lol
Michel: This is great great great!
takemats08: Ahhhh, what a finish xheart
Bojan: it;s good but this one grows off for me :/
strajker: bwoog-
Turksh97: but song not cool
Turksh97: lol
takemats08: good ending!
94ayd: boog
Michel: Everybody talks about the video of this entry but imo the song is at least as exceptional as the video.
94ayd: RECAP! XD
xDirtyCanuckx: i dunno its kind of like sex in my ears
takemats08: btw are mine and natis titles in different colours
akemats08: Well, the video's just acting xD But yeah, it's the song that impresses :)
takemats08: or is that just in the producer chat?
94ayd: so you're conor lol
ronny1988VPS: you make me feel
94ayd: yeah they are
takemats08: I think there IS some colour difference...
strajker: its different but not in the copy pasted txt lol
takemats08: ah thats grand =P
takemats08: ah dang XD @ strajker
94ayd: lol
takemats08: Well, I can edit it when it goes on the forum anyway xD
takemats08: horray =P
takemats08: hosting these is fun ^_^
xDirtyCanuckx: he looks like hes going soo slowly
takemats08: And yeah, I agree, this final doesn't feel that bad at all :)
ronny1988VPS: stronger
takemats08: Should be at least 10 worthy of my points anyway
Bojan: i have 13 fighting for my top 10
xDirtyCanuckx: lol he has a watch on
Bojan: will order them after the recap
takemats08: Superwoog finish xheart33

Deleted member 5361

Deadline is 15:00 CET,
Depending on how early you vote, the results will be around 15:30 CET, but can change depending on how many last minute scoreboards there are..


Active member
March 1, 2010
Starogardia voted!

Sorry I didn't make it to the live listening, I was simply too busy! I'll try to join you next time, it's always fun! :lol:

There weren't as many great songs as there were last edition, but I do really like some songs! ;)


Well-known member
October 1, 2009
Here are the odds then for the final! :D

Adamsburg 4
Viola Per Sempre 4
New Acadia 10
Serenate & Clair 10
Zaprya 15
Canedonia 15
Scorpionia 20
Zombira 20
Horehronieland 25
Fervorosia 25
Celinas 30
Pigeon Island 35
Kostanovia 35
Zechonia 40
Calypso 40
Bokia 45
Kingdom Of Erås 50
Prasia 60
Arjastan 60
Akkåville 70
Kamandé 75
Alinta 75
10 Regions Of Mobius 75
Rumia 85
Comino 85
Xorientia 100
Bacchus 150
Vedatistan 150

So it looks to be a real battle for the win! Will NSC go "home" to Adamsburg or has Christina Perri took all the hearts and points for the VPS jar? Or has New Acadias chemical made a reaction? Or has all the Cowboy Casanovas turned towards Carrie Underwood and the joint hosts Serenate & Clair?
Will Susan Boyles dream be crushed and has Vedatistan failed to rock this club?!
We will find out tomorrow, when the exciting resultsshow begins! :)


Well-known member
October 3, 2009
I missed the LL =(
But it is surely interesting to read what people say about my entry when I'm not there, going all ''don't be mean'' XD I'm really glad that some people enjoyed my song and I apologize to those who did not find it suitable for their ears. I'm not really, very strong person, so I do have to mention that it is always best not to say anything if there is nothing good in that sentence. Sorry for that. =( I like all kinda of music and so there will be quite some odd entries that people who prefer more mainstream music might find distasteful. But I also enjoy rubbish pop music of today, so there will be those too. =P I hope that in the future I will send something you'll enjoy. =)

And that's guy and the girl having intercourse. Sadly people do not know much about anatomy and therefore say otherwise.

Deleted member 5361

Waiting list voted
Republic of Comilia, Asmyrna, Aquamarine sent their votes.
Last edited by a moderator:


Active member
September 28, 2009
Canberra, Australia
These people voteeeed


I'm in a rush so can't type names in full :lol: DEADLINE ---> UNDER 4 HOURS! And I'll have about 10 scoreboards to make when I get back so there is NO WAY I am accepting late votes :lol: Vote now, you've been warned.


Well-known member
October 1, 2009
Bognor Regis
These people voteeeed


I'm in a rush so can't type names in full :lol: DEADLINE ---> UNDER 4 HOURS! And I'll have about 10 scoreboards to make when I get back so there is NO WAY I am accepting late votes :lol: Vote now, you've been warned.

y'know liam you could post who hasn't voted, maybe quicker for you ;)


Well-known member
October 1, 2009
Here are the odds then for the final! :D

Vedatistan 150

WAOW. Eventhough I like so much this song I'm expecting to end around 20th place but I believe Rock this club is not the worst song in this final.


Well-known member
October 2, 2009
It is very rare that the worst song actually ends up last anyway. :D


Well-known member
September 29, 2009
Yaponesia voted! :D
The final wasn't that bad in the end, but my points still felt weird xD
Had six songs all battling for the top spot, but I don't think any of them would've got 12 in a different final :?
(despite the fact that both my 12s from the amazing semis qualified; they probably grew off a little :p)

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