12) Scorpionia, Calypso, Horehronieland, Prasia, FSR KOP!JA
10) Bokia, Belvist
08) Zaprya, Viola Per Sempre, Greenfroze
07) Kuki-Q
06) Lyapunovia, Serenate&Clair
04) Kingdom of Eras, Waiting List
03) Gozitania, Sunland, Dalisska
02) Rumia
01) Akkaville, Pigeon Island, Celinas
A big thank you to all of you ^^^

*looks for more exciting icons*
Your votes gave me 7th place!! And also a PQ spot so thaaaaanks so much!! I know I'm late but I had to jump on Maddie's bandwagon

I made sure I didn't forget anyone, but just incase let me know haha