Schlagerman1 said:
Pot 1:
Balearica Islands
Sillycone Valley
that's right people... mooseland is entering for one last edition.
After last time's last place and bitchy comment i thought that this wasn't the right way to exit a contest. I am sending a song related to leaving something behind. Hopefully it relates to this contest well. Hopefully you like the song and celebrate Mooseland's last edition with a bang rather than a whimper. The song will remain a secret till Dan reveals the semi
some people aren't happy with this decision... not that i'm sure why.. but this is my decision noone elses. Also i wanna send this song as a memory to everyone, lifetime friends made here, acquaintances and those who have our thoughts clashing, hopefully this can be a barrier to forget our differences and say sorry for all the wrong things. Lets hear it for a fun-filled NSC51