Here are the odds for Semi 1!
Celeja 5
Kostanovia 10
Lukeland 10
Vegetaria 15
Viola Per Sempre 15
Gematria 20
Cydoni-Gibberia 20
Calypso 25
Dalisska 25
Belvist 30
Ametan 30
Vedatistan 40
Yaponesia 45
Bezzulandia 50
Reignland 50
Rotterdamus 60
Ugaly 70
Mysticland 80
Zombira 80
Canedonia 90
Doklea 90
Groonrorm 100
Arjastan 150
Mooseland 200
We got some Schlager-pop from Celeja in the top with some more 80s influented songs from Kostanovia and Lukeland. Less people seems to think that Groonrorms happiness, Arjastans promise about free things for all or a busride to Bognor Regis will be enough to make it to the final. We will see what works tonight!