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Live NSC 23(0) in Illumia / #sign / RESULTS / 2/8/24 20:00 CEST


Well-known member
September 28, 2009
Congratulations on the victory, Orangulia, you deserved it xclap xcheer

Regarding my own result, I can say I am completely shocked and I didn't expect anything even remotely close to this. I am still in complete disbelief :eek: I barely even found a song to participate, as funny as it is really hard when obligations strike and there is nothing in the backlog....this song sounded interesting to me on the first listening and I wanted to give it a try and see how it does because there was nothing to lose and there was no real alternative........but later I thought it wouldn't get higher than some 26th place. So this outcome truly shocked me. There were several other things that played out differently than what I projected in my head, but this definitely was a huge surprise. Thank you everyone who voted and supported this song.

Thank you Luki for hosting such an amazing show xcheer As we would say in our language - razvalio si! :love:

And last (but certainly not least) - @Veronika You are the only one who always believed and always believes in me....even when I, myself, have no faith whatsoever xheart I couldn't be happier knowing that I have someone like you by my side xheart Despite this result and isn't the same as last time (and that is an understatement), so for that reason, nothing will be celebrated. I will celebrate when we are next to each other here on the we were on the last edition xheart And I am sure, sooner or later, such a momentum will happen again xheart xlove

See you on the next edition xcheer xheart


Well-known member
July 13, 2010
Absolutely over the moon with this finish; our highest score yet is more than I could have hoped for, and I truly always love seeing my entries resonate with even one person. Like I said in my thread, I basically discovered Mirage on a whim, and I'm happy I got to share it with everyone.

As for the results, pretty good top 10 overall, congrats to Marcobia and MatiMati (love the exchanged 12s) on personal bests, as well as the other PQs (Belvist & Balearica Island just narrowly missed out on points from us). Massive thanks to

:12: ::dos ::fie ::mat ::pap
:10: ::dal ::ill ::nbs ::xhu Rombandrums
:8: ::ser
:7: ::bif ::kon ::reh ::rld
:6: ::bal ::fer ::oos ::per ::wsn
:5: ::gds ::tch ::yap
:4: ::cal ::doi ::rah ::tan
:3: ::beg ::che ::ins ::nac ::szk Dwyforland
:2: Carpentaria
:1: ::cyd ::grf ::kor ::red

as well as those who voted us through the semi! Thanks Luki for the immaculate hosting, you totally delivered even through the forum's difficulties 🙏 and also, thanks to @Ekholmia for the amazing discovery, I never got around to hearing the newest IDLES album so might not have heard A Gospel otherwise, and it'll be a mainstay in my library now hblue

I had to pass up hosting the last time I had the opportunity, but this time I look forward to welcoming everyone to ::ora xcheer I hope to post a thread sometime tomorrow, but you're still free to confirm entries (via forum, Skype, Discord, etc) before then.


Well-known member
September 29, 2009
Félicitations Orangualia! ::ora

Wonderful winner, continuing this streak of high quality NSC winners too. Of course, my 12 was the 2nd placer ::mrc, but that fantastic result is also perfectly worthy. In fact, I’m pleased I had a rare successful pregomesh, especially concerning the top 2 (although I got ::mat totally wrong :oops: huge congrats to you too! Should’ve swapped them with ::kor )

Happy with the ::yap result; thank you for the qualification and to those who gave high points! Very much appreciated. See you next edition xcheer


Well-known member
March 16, 2011
Oh wow, 6th place. Definitely didnt expect that. Did better than the entry I tried to confirmed but was beaten to; but still, a great result for ::hal - one of my favourite songs of the last few months, no regrets though with how things panned out

Shoutout as well to ::bel, a very strong 10 for me. Not sure if you've looked up the meaning of the song, but it's a call to young Scottish people to keep their language and culture alive. It's the final ever song by Niteworks so glad they got the recognition they deserve in NSC at last.

Congrats ::ora, great entry, delighted it won

Thank you for the #sign hosting Luki, especially with all the forum issues. It was a great edition.


Well-known member
October 3, 2009
Trondheim, Norway / Niavara, Balearica Island

First of all, congrats ::ora on the win. Voted for 4 of the PQs, great to see one of them win. :D And it's also awesome to be part of the PQs as well, I did not expect this. I know my entry is really all over the place at the moment, but I didn't think that would be a recipe for success in NSC (figured people were probably fed up by it by now), and I was genuinely happy to just have qualified to the final. :D Seeing the full results tho, the semi score is pretty amazing, 2nd in the regular vote and reju winner. :eek: So a big thank you to everyone who voted for it in the semis, and of course every single point in the final:

:12: ::fer ::frm (Meridia) ::sla
:10: ::adb ::bif ::ros
:8: ::beg ::grf ::pap ::per ::szk ::wsn
:7: ::cyd ::doi ::elv ::hal
:6: ::tad
:5: ::eff ::reh ::zom
:4: ::svo ::ugl Dwyforland
:2: ::fie ::ill ::taa
:1: ::com ::tch


Some voting stats: Congrats to ::com on becoming the 41st nation to reach 100 points - and ::zom on becoming the 9th to reach 200 points from ::bal! Quality! And also ::wsn on becoming the 19th nation to GIVE ::bal 100 points, and ::hal on becoming the FIRST nation to give ::bal 200 points! xbow xheart And this result also means that ::bal has now reached 6000 points received in finals. :D (I've given more than 10000 tho, so you got some catching up to do) ;)

Also, as I was updating my Douze Points playlist on YouTube, I realized that ::zom has gotten 4 of my last 6 :12:. :eek: That is pretty wild. I've looked into it, I've given both ::fer and ::ros 3 of 7 before, which is also very good, but 4 of 6 is a different level.

Thanks to @Luki for a great hosting, even if the forum didn't make it any easier for you.


Well-known member
August 5, 2018
Commenting as I watch the results since the beginning:

28th – 21st

::rum ::ill – my :2: and :5: points respectively, sadly very expected, even tho I thought maybe ::ill would be a little higher... at least, that would be deserved :rolleyes:
::rld – okay, that's much lower, than I hoped for and expected, was my :3:, thank you for bringing this Armenian retro-piece xheart
::dal – expected sadly, I liked the energy and "explosivity" of that entry together with the colorful music video, and even tho it didn't receive anything from me, it was my 13th and one of the stronger contenders for my points :)
::cal ::kor – okay, those are much lower than I expected, but I also kinda could see this happening...
::svo – k, thanks... that's lower than I expected after all the predictions and comments, but hey... thank you anyway for the final and for a bunch of high points from nations I don't usually receive such high points from xheart xheart xheart I also kinda didn't want PQ now because of the entry I'm going to send next edition, so... we can say that my wish has come true :lol: :lol:
::yap – well, that's expected. but thank you so much for such an amazing instrumental entry, was a big pleasure to give it :10: in the final xlove


Well-known member
August 5, 2018
20th – 11th

::szk – oh, another epic instrumental, I hoped for much higher... xcryxcryxcry apparentely, i gave a little more preference to the entries i didn't hear before, but i was glad i had some space to proudly give it :7: in the final xheart
::gds – see ::cal ::kor
::zom – well... i knew it would be sadly a little lower than some predicted, but... it was an amazing entry, i loved the melody, the powerful instrumental and the music video was eye-pleasing with the handsome singer xheart like i said before, i lost three another great entries in semis i hoped to give :12: in final to, but... it was a pleasure to give :12: to this in the end xheart
::tch – yeah, kinda felt that this one would be not as high as it might have seemed, but i liked the epicness, it won the battle for my :1: point xparty
::rah – well, a little lower than i thought, and it was pretty close to my points, ended up 12th, and i'm a little sad that i didn't find enough space to give it something...
::tad – I never expected this one to qualify, but i expected pretty much this result for it in the final :mrgreen:
::end – and this one's higher than I thought, didn't expect it to qualify either, it was just okay to me...
::com – I thought it would be closer to PQ, was an interesting entry, but i'm not a big fan of Aurora if i'm completely honest xblush
::tro – oh, okay... i didn't resonate that much and saw this lower, but i can see why it ended up here :unsure:
::eff – well yeah, those who play for longer, say that it's a "nice throwback" and i smh can agree with that :) kinda expected position too


Well-known member
August 5, 2018
10th – 1st

::hal – I TOLD YOU THIS ONE WOULD BE HIGHER THAN EVERYONE EXPECTS, even tho I expected even higher, but okay... i gotta be honest, i didn't resonate with this one at all in the semi and put it last, but in the final i suddenly connected with it and it ended up... 11th!! hoped to give something, but... yeah, not enough space, as always xshrug
::nac – oh, wow!! it appears, that we "overrated" this one in prego :mrgreen::mrgreen: okay, but i honestly didn't see this one lower than PQ, so it's really surprising that it ends up here... :eek:
::nbs – and we underrated this one in prego xlmao what can i say, grats on the great result as for a PQ entry xparty
::aim – oh... i put it 2nd in my final prediction in contrast with 12th in semi prediction, i think it was based on some comments, and... look at that amount of high points :eek:
::doi – oh yeah, almost exactly the result i was expecting for this one!
::bel – well... gotta be honest, i underestimated this one xLO
::bal – woohoooo let's go! xparty even tho it was just my :4: in the final, this one kept being stuck in my head for the last few days and the fact about Artemas's dob still fascinates me :eek:

::mat – sheeeeesh (in a good way), all those :12:s :eek: that's what i love those contests for – for such big surprises you (me) never expect!! grats, grats, grats on such an amazing result, ::mat!! was a pleasure to give :8: to such ear- and eye-pleasing entry!! xheart
::mrc – big grats on such an amazing result!! that was an epic entry and I was glad to give it my :6: xparty

::ora – well, Orian did not believe in this one, but among the rest of us, pregomeshers, this one was 1st (on avg), so we kinda predicted this xpartyxparty congrats, ::ora! :) i gotta be honest, it wasn't really my kind of entry, but i tend to like your other entries, so for me personally you already won a lot of times before (in last edition's final at least :mrgreen:), and now you did that among all (majority) the rest and you totally deserved that!! xheart xheart xheart
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Well-known member
August 5, 2018
And let's see who gifted ::svo those 88 points :)

:12: ::gds ::elv
:10: ::sla ::kon
:8: ::red
:6: ::szk
:5: ::rld ::tro (WL: Rombandrums)
:4: ::taa
:3: ::nbs ::pap ::ser
:2: ::nac ::bif
:1: ::tad ::rah ::zom

Thank you all so much, that's why I like trying different genres and styles xheart xheart xheart

And also big thanks to ::sak ::kam ::end ::per ::mrc ::eff ::yap ::rum ::dal + ::ill ::vyl ::kor ::cyd for giving some points in semi which made our participation in final possible xhug

And thank you so much @Luki for hosting in such circumstances, and it was a pleasure to help you with Pregomess too! xheart xheart
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Staff member
September 28, 2009
Did better than the entry I tried to confirmed but was beaten to; but still, a great result for ::hal - one of my favourite songs of the last few months, no regrets though with how things panned out
Thanks for the 12! I had no idea you had tried to confirm it too o_O


Active member
March 17, 2013
That would be MatiMati's first top three result, coming off an eight-edition NQ streak at that; thanks to everyone who voted for the Kiwi brigade! xcheersAs it happens, our 12 won the entire shebang, making the results exceptionally pleasant overall.

Hall of fame:

:12: ::adb ::bif ::cyd ::grf ::nbs ::ora ::xoc
:10: ::cal ::com ::pap
:8: ::doi ::ins ::svo
:6: ::hal ::lac ::kon ::sla
:5: ::xhu
:4: ::fie
:3: ::gds WL xshock
:2: ::eff ::ugl
:1: ::beg
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