Wow, I thought mehro had a chance of a good placing, but I didn't imagine winning again, especially so soon after the last time
Thank you all so much, it was so great to wake up to this
Amazing hosting by
@Territrius btw, I really loved the Only Connect style puzzles. Even though I couldn't watch the final results live (my parents are visiting this weekend), I was still following along this morning as I caught up, trying to guess the answers
It was a very fun way to reveal the results.
Thank you everyone for your overwhelming support!
When I saw that Szimbaya and myself were both in the top 3, I thought for sure my 12 to Ich Kündige would put them above me, but I'm pleasantly surprised to see it wasn't even close
Thanks specifically to:
12 - Doire, Fervorosia, Griffin Empire, Tcher-Racoi, Xochimilia, Yaponesia
10 - Redwood Republic, Serenes, Svobodnia, Szimbaya Kingdom, Tír an Abhainn, Waiting List
8 - Adamsburg, Öösingimäed
7 - Calypso, Ugaly
6 - Orangualia, Roseland
5 - Illumia, Tamausia & Deltannor
4 - New Acadia
3 - Konthena, Rahasia-Diati, Slagensala, Zombira
2 - Effiland, Kordavian Islands, Papendink
1 - Belvist, Cherniya, Comino, MatiMati, New Bander State, Vylkuzeme, Xhuxhmaxhuxh
I've never turned down a hosting opportunity after winning, but unfortunately I will have to break that streak this time. I'm not really in a position to host right now (I've been working pretty much 24/7), and even though the automation tools made it a bit easier last time, it was still pretty time-consuming.
So I guess the question is: will NSC 226 be in Szimbaya Kingdom
@marc ?