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Not enough moderation at the political section/Freedom of Speech


Well-known member
February 10, 2012
ישראל || Lach, Cherniya
Re: Not enough moderation at the political section

Well, I don't support swearing or insulting others with swear words. This "Freedom of speech" thing blinds some people into breaking all the rules of normal functioning in the society. And hate speech is banned in most nations.

last time I checked supporting a certain person is not a hate speech at all.


Well-known member
May 15, 2011
Re: Not enough moderation at the political section

last time I checked supporting a certain person is not a hate speech at all.

That's right.
So I guess it's just the matter of disliking someone.


Well-known member
May 22, 2010
Re: Not enough moderation at the political section

You could say you support Adolf Hitler, and it wouldnt equate to hate speech. Hate speech would be when you say you support some of the things he did.


Well-known member
October 10, 2009
In your head
Re: Not enough moderation at the political section

You could say you support Adolf Hitler, and it wouldnt equate to hate speech. Hate speech would be when you say you support some of the things he did.

We are getting off topic here again as always, but I am going to disagree. There is a big difference in saying a) I find that what Hitler did during WW2 (for example killing the jews) was in my opinion needed and therefor justified (not my real opinion) and b) I think we should kill all of the jews.
And I think that even the statement b) And I am even semi-supporting allowing the option b style statements to be allowed.


Well-known member
September 28, 2009
Re: Not enough moderation at the political section

So why is swearing and insulting people forbidden? Following your logic, isn't this freedom of speech?

You are mixing some things that cannot be mixed now.

Nothing is logic what you wrote here, and it certainly isn't "my" logic.

Let's follow this logic that you are implying instead - when you go to someone's house and when the owner tells you to "feel like you are home", that should, according to what you wrote in a reply to my post, also mean that you can do anything you like in his house, including thrashing things you don't like there, calling the owner an "a****e" if he angers you, and even ease your "natural needs" in a dining room instead of the toilet etc.........

He told you to feel like you are home, so why shouldn't he allow you to do all this?

I don't understand what kind of a question this is. Is there any forum on the internet where insulting people and swearing aren't sanctioned?

And also, all people in the mod team are highly tolerable (which is also a problem, I guess). I am also. I always tend to help people when they need to be helped. Many people can confirm that, but everything has it's own limits. And when I give a finger to someone, it doesn't mean that he has to pull the whole hand.

I can always turn a new page if needed.


Well-known member
May 15, 2011
Re: Not enough moderation at the political section

I believe you got that wrong, Milos. What I was saying was that swearing and/or insulting equals hate speech and supporting inhuman things, like supporting Zedong's murder of millions Chinese people.


Well-known member
May 15, 2011
Re: Not enough moderation at the political section

We are getting off topic here again as always, but I am going to disagree. There is a big difference in saying a) I find that what Hitler did during WW2 (for example killing the jews) was in my opinion needed and therefor justified (not my real opinion) and b) I think we should kill all of the jews.
And I think that even the statement b) And I am even semi-supporting allowing the option b style statements to be allowed.

Killing people for the ideas Hitler believed in IS hate speech.


Well-known member
May 22, 2010
Re: Not enough moderation at the political section

We are getting off topic here again as always, but I am going to disagree. There is a big difference in saying a) I find that what Hitler did during WW2 (for example killing the jews) was in my opinion needed and therefor justified (not my real opinion) and b) I think we should kill all of the jews.
And I think that even the statement b) And I am even semi-supporting allowing the option b style statements to be allowed.
Well it depends in which context comments are being made, but I think it is really pushing the boundaries to the very limits to say that the death of people for whatever reason is good.
It just came to my mind before though, that whilst somebody has said that Mao Zedong is an inspirational leader (I disagree with that but have no problem with somebody else seeing it differently), if somebody had put up that they found Hitler an inspirational leader then I wonder if that would be seen differently by people and if that would have been considered "hate speech". Just a thought :).

I have been very uncomfortable about things that have been written in the Politics section, I remember a few weeks ago comments about trans people. I would say they were bordering on hate speech, but I ignored it because I know what that section is like and I still choose to go in it, so I cant exactly moan lol.


Admin Schmadmin
Staff member
June 1, 2009
Los Angeles, USA
Re: Not enough moderation at the political section

Well the past 2 days have shown that for example even Matt has started to troll in that section so I do not find like everything would be ok. Neither I find that the rules for that subsection should be the same as for example the games section.

The post in question that you are so outraged by was made by a person who is trolling the forum and the person knows that. I gave that person a fair chance to redeem himself. The leadership team is very well aware of that individual's actions and intent. Before making such accusations towards the leadership team, it may be a good idea to consider the fact that there are a lot of stuff available to us that are not available to you.

None of the Mods is censoring anybody, I called out a person who is known to troll our forum in the past and registered under a different user name, I didn't delete or edit his opinion.

Regarding the actual issue at hand: The political forum is constantly being moderated. Opinions are not edited or removed unless there are derogatory, offensive or inappropriate. There is always a level of subectivity as something may not be offended by certain posts while others are. So the Moderators have to make the best decision with the information at hand so it's unavoidable to give them some room for interpretation.

The obvious issue is the off topic issue. One example is the "Political Figures" convo where it turned into a discussion about different style of government & economic systems. That is something we work on constantly but we can't be on the forum 24/7 and it's up to community to take charge by either staying on topic or click on the "report" icon next to a post so we can review it as quickly as possible.


Active member
July 7, 2012
Re: Not enough moderation at the political section

So why is swearing and insulting people forbidden? Following your logic, isn't this freedom of speech?


You are either a troll or a loony
but it seems that you're brainwashed
And only a person who's out of their mind
why do some people believe in Archer's provocations.
Archer should have tried living in all those communist countries before talking gibberish.
don't give credit to gibberish you've been talking here.
how can people be so ignorant when it comes to stuff like this

Btw, I'm the one who got the infraction, let me tell why I did cause I've nothing to hide, I called something '' amateur '' and it was considered to be an '' inappropriate language ''. Ok, I respect this, but I just want to ask if the posts I quoted above are within the limits of the appropriate language.


Well-known member
May 15, 2011
Re: Not enough moderation at the political section

@up :lol:

It's sooo fair to post answers without context at all. Why didn't you post the indicators of those answers?


Active member
July 7, 2012
Re: Not enough moderation at the political section

The post in question that you are so outraged by was made by a person who is trolling the forum and the person knows that.

There are millions of people impressed by the ideas of Mao Zedong. He is a person who is loved by most of marxist-leninist socialists or communists anyway. Most of Chinese people worship him. So, just because you don't like Maoism, supporting it doesn't make somebody a troll.


Active member
July 7, 2012
Re: Not enough moderation at the political section

@up :lol:

It's sooo fair to post answers without context at all. Why didn't you post the indicators of those answers?

I can give the links of those posts, no problem. I just want to know if they are inappropriate or not in the eyes of the leaders.


Well-known member
May 15, 2011
Re: Not enough moderation at the political section

There are millions of people impressed by the ideas of Mao Zedong. He is a person who is loved by most of marxist-leninist socialists or communists anyway. Most of Chinese people worship him. So, just because you don't like Maoism, supporting it doesn't make somebody a troll.

And you really try to sound serious in front of the mods? I mean, you spread lies. I would discuss the statement in bold, and write how much of a lie that statement is, but this is not the topic for it.


Active member
July 7, 2012
Re: Not enough moderation at the political section

And you really try to sound serious in front of the mods? I mean, you spread lies. I would discuss the statement in bold, and write how much of a lie that statement is, but this is not the topic for it.

How many Chinese people have you known so far ? me as well met a lot of people living there both in forums and in RL. Plus, I have friends who visited and found the opportunity to analyze the social status there.


Well-known member
May 15, 2011
Re: Not enough moderation at the political section

How many Chinese people have you known so far ? me as well met a lot of people living there both in forums and in RL. Plus, I have friends who visited and found the opportunity to analyze the social status there.

This was in our news some time ago about a secret poll - foreign reporters asked secretly Chinese citizens about the communist government and the revolution - those, who weren't scared to answer, answered that they hate the communists. Many children were raised within families, that supported Chiang Kai-Shek. Massive supports in China for human rights activists, reporters imprisoned because they disapproved the ideology. Anyone needs more examples? China isn't North Korea.
Also - do you know the meaning of the word "worship"?

PS. This post it totally off-topic, so a request to mods - move it to an appropriate location, please.


Active member
July 7, 2012
Re: Not enough moderation at the political section

This was in our news some time ago about a secret poll - foreign reporters asked secretly Chinese citizens about the communist government and the revolution - those, who weren't scared to answer, answered that they hate the communists. Many children were raised within families, that supported Chiang Kai-Shek. Massive supports in China for human rights activists, reporters imprisoned because they disapproved the ideology. Anyone needs more examples? China isn't North Korea.
Also - do you know the meaning of the word "worship"?

PS. This post it totally off-topic, so a request to mods - move it to an appropriate location, please.

Secret poll ? who did that ? CIA ? :lol:

Please, don't expect me to believe in those propaganda materials.


Admin Schmadmin
Staff member
June 1, 2009
Los Angeles, USA
I added "Freedom of speech" to the title since these two issues are closely connected.

To be clear about the claims that all members can say whatever they want under the "Freedom of Speech" law.

Freedom of Speech means that you can say whatever you want without having to worry about gettingthrown in jail. However, just like anywhere else in the world, there are rules and etiquettes online.
Every club, group or website has their own set of rules and guidelines. There are set depending on the environment they're trying to create. Some websites/groups/clubs don't allow any political conversations, others don't allow any swearing or some allow members and users to totally lash out at each other.
If you visit an Elivs fanclub, you can't just go there and say deragotary and hateful things about the King and expect that the people accept that behavior. It's obvious it is their right and discretion to set the tone for their community and just saying that "I'm practicing my Freedom of Speech" isn't a valid statement. It's just not the right place for you, it would make more sense to find a "I hate Elivs Presley" page to share your opinion and thoughts.

The same applies to this forum. We don't allow attacks towards other forum members, particular groups or believes. It is okay to question and critcize if it's done in a constructive manner. It is up to the Mods to make the final call if a comment or post is questionable using their best judgement. We set the forum rules and every member need to agree to them when registering and if that's not what they were looking for then they should find a website that suits their needs and believes or start their own community. And this is not a call for those to leave the forum I just want to be clear that "Freedom of speech" doesn't apply in this case, that's a legal issue so you won't be thrown in jail.


Well-known member
May 15, 2011
Re: Not enough moderation at the political section

Secret poll ? who did that ? CIA ? :lol:

Please, don't expect me to believe in those propaganda materials.

Dear mods - is it appropriate to insult every official document as "propaganda material", while name every other hypothesis the one and the only?
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