It's hard to judge from snippets, but it feels like NRK found themselves watching BBC Eurovision: You Decide and felt inspired. There is a couple that i think have some real potential and hopefully the full versions will shine better, However, i have to generally agree the quality looks like it's pointing to one of the lowest in a many number of years. Norway aren't incompetent though when it comes to staging etc, so things might come alive better on stage.
Yeah, I don't feel very optimistic myself tbh. I am in general feeling like possibly sitting out on Eurovision 2025 so in the end it does not really matter what I think, but my main issue is that the field (based on snippets at least) is 80% generic pop, 10% outdated rock and 10% La det Swinge but in English. I love both Bobbysocks and WigWam, but both songs sounds very outdated. And none of the other songs seems to really stand out in particular (at least for me personally). I was not really a fan of the majority of the songs from last year either, but I still managed to find favorites in Gåte, Gothminister and Mileo, and in general the finale was fun. MGP 2023 was 10/10 peak for me, because then I found myself in a bit of a "luxury problem" where I struggled to figure out who to spend my one vote on, until I eventually landed on Alessandra. But I was pretty much fine with anyone going. This year however I am not even sure if I will be voting for anyone, but at least Bobbysocks makes me feel somewhat "Joyful" (badum-tssk), so maybe that's who I am going for in the end?

I think Kyle Alessandro could do a decent job as well, but I also worry a bit. I know EBU will focus on the artists well being more this year, but he is still quite young so I am still worried the pressure could be too much. :/