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New Years Resolutions.


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Staff member
March 1, 2013
this was only done so i can revive this thread
now,who else followed through?

Yes. :cool:

I'm going for a Cliché one, Join the local Gym and get fit, but only once I've passed my driving test.

I passed my driving test, joined a gym and got more healthy. I also changed my diet a bit to cut out all the sweets and such.

(even though I did drop out and leave the gym in August). xshifty


Well-known member
May 22, 2010
My resolution: care more about people who give a shit about me, and care less about the people who don't :p.
Managed to do this, and I'm much happier this New Year than last New Year as a result :) Though I think this has happened partly through starting work in a public service, it makes you hate all the bullsh*tters :lol:

On Monday I'm also starting 'healthy living' lol, exercise every weekday (not gym because I'm trying to be realistic and know I won't go) and snacks only at the weekend. I'm not calling this a resolution though because its something I should do for my health, compared to when I started uni, I'm 3 stone heavier... so I've put on like a stone a year =\.
To my great surprise, I have sort of pulled this one off - the cutting out the snacks has been a total failure, but I have done the exercise bit and I've lost weight as a result :p A stone to be exact - not very much over 12 months - but considering beforehand I was putting on a stone a year, if I lose a stone a year then I'm heading in the right direction ;)

This year I don't have any specific resolutions, just to continue the progress I've made in the past year, including getting a new job lol.


Active member
December 29, 2014
Last year I had two resolutions; win Eurovision and get back into reading. I did neither.

This year I want to get a job.
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