My resolution: care more about people who give a shit about me, and care less about the people who don't .
On Monday I'm also starting 'healthy living' lol, exercise every weekday (not gym because I'm trying to be realistic and know I won't go) and snacks only at the weekend. I'm not calling this a resolution though because its something I should do for my health, compared to when I started uni, I'm 3 stone heavier... so I've put on like a stone a year =\.
Oh God not me constantly eating chocolate, sweets, etc even if I'm not particularly hungry. I'm on some tablets that increase your appetite and its mainly since I started on them that I've put weight on, but until I'm taken off them (which I'm going to try to be cuz they're thinning my hair too), I'm gunna have to try countering it. Plus I'll still have the 3 stone left behind that I need to get rid of Depresses me really cuz I doubt I'll manage it for summer time but I guess anything's better than now I feel like a blob even though to look at I don't look fat or overweight evenHahaha nice resolution. I think I should add that to my list.
I do already eat a lot less than what I use too. I ate no snacky food over the summer holidays and lost 8 pounds, then when I went back to uni I put it all back on because I caved into temptation. I'm cutting it all out and eating them in moderation from now on. I want to join a gym, but not on my own so I'm trying to persuade my friends to join with me. If I can drive there then I would probably go, if I cant then I would probably think I cba. But my only issue with it is that I will feel to intimidated and out of place with all the super muscley steroid fueled men and woman who basically live there.
Oh God not me constantly eating chocolate, sweets, etc even if I'm not particularly hungry. I'm on some tablets that increase your appetite and its mainly since I started on them that I've put weight on, but until I'm taken off them (which I'm going to try to be cuz they're thinning my hair too), I'm gunna have to try countering it. Plus I'll still have the 3 stone left behind that I need to get rid of Depresses me really cuz I doubt I'll manage it for summer time but I guess anything's better than now I feel like a blob even though to look at I don't look fat or overweight even
I know what you saying about gym that's why I know I'll never go. Seeing hot guys out - good, competing with hot guys working out - not good
Well did actually start my 'healthier living' today (surprise in itself) but Im so hungry