Hokay, ready for an essay?
First of all, sorry if the ending there was a little rushed as I had to go off for a bit and I was getting slightly panicky
Now the administrative stuff, here are the full results from all parts of the contest that I collected for:
Semi 1
Semi 2
WL Jury
As you can see for most parts of this contest it was incredibly close and I can't believe how many times I've seen the results turned on their heads this edition. Really interesting set of votes to count
Finally, thank you so much for the opportunity to host, it's been a privilege and a pleasure to host such an amazing edition song-quality-wise and to have such a large edition with a great voter turnout is amazing, thanks for being a part of it! Hope you enjoyed the show
Oh, and thanks for all of those who decided to give me points, I really appreciate it, especially Ugaly and Balearica Island for those points in the double figures
1 How I managed to avoid not only 0 points but last place altogether will bemuse me for a long time xD
Hope you enjoyed your stay in Vardychinov, it's goodbye from CyGiTV 'this year' and we'll see you back in the semis in Zaprya for NSC 68