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Natiavision 232 in Planigslæting, Griffin Empire


Super Moderator
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March 4, 2011
Update time - who applied and where will they be singing

It’s time for our very first applications update - currently 10 countries confirmed their stay in the icy Griffin Empire. One of them is debuting and another one is returning - we wish a warm welcome to Balearica Island and Tanoiro. Interestingly enough, this will be the first time that Tanoiro will compete in the Griffin Empire, so they're debuting in a way as well. Don’t forget last day to send your song is this Saturday at 09:00 PM CET, not midnight.

This edition is very important for the Griffin Empire for several reasons. First, we are celebrating the fifth Griffin victory, and this is the sixth time we are organising this competition. Secondly, in this edition we will hear the fiftieth Griffin Song, which is also the winning song of the jubilee tenth edition of the Griffin National Festival - Griffiniskaja Laul. So, as we would say here - thousand reasons to celebrate.

This edition takes place in the mountain town of Planigslæting, which beat 6 other towns
during the bidding phase, but here's new information - the arena is actually an ice hockey stadium. Planigs-Issarrenaa is the most notable for its controversial owners - the influential ducal family Míølnīr, but we’re not going there. 👀 The other famous thing about this beautiful place is that it is the largest hockey arena in the world, and not only that, but it has consistently been listed as one of the world's busiest arenas. For our beloved Waiting List Song Contest, it will be in its full glory and all 21,302 seats will be available.

Coming up:
  1. The insanity of the local dialect aka do not try to pronounce this at home.
  2. The stage and the hosts pay homage to two iconic Griffin symbols
  3. Will we have to listen to Christmas carols during the interval act?


Super Moderator
Staff member
March 4, 2011
Sweħiħaħtltlaħ ħuu Għifiniħhskħ ý Dnimdħeħlandýkħ vë?

Slow day yesterday - only three more nations joined us (welcome Oussou Empire, Rehi Kaita and Belvist). That means that, currently, 13 countries are expected to be represented at the 232nd Waiting List Song Contest, but while we wait for that number to go higher, let's see how to speak like a local.

If you thought the Griffin language was silly, and the Lætingmaa dialect even more so, then you haven’t heard the Dnimdierlanders speak it.

The Griffin language is considered a difficult and even worse ‘illegible’ language with its clusters of consonants at one end and clusters of vowels at the other end of words that probably number over a dozen letters. However, what confuses foreigners even more are definitely Griffin dialects, which sometimes don't even look like the standard Griffin language. There are two large groups of dialects in the Griffin language - one uses the modern Griffin language as its base, and the other the Old Griffin language.

And to make it even more complicated, these two groups are divided into five more subgroups each, this time based on differences in their phonetics, specifically the pronunciation of the dominant sound R. There are two groups that stand out for their unusualness - the so-called SHJ-TJ dialects of the East we heard during Congratulations 6, and the confusing HH dialects of the South. You notice that, here, the sound R is everything except R.

So the Dnimdierlandic dialect is based on the Old Griffin language and uses H instead of R, that shouldn't be that difficult? Don't be silly. Apart from having 7 tenses more than the standard Griffin language, and cases that work in a completely different way, the worst moment in this dialect is exactly that sound H. First, this sound is written (according to the Griffin rules) with the symbol Ħ (minuscule: ħ) and second, no, no one tries to spit on you, that really is the sound that matches this sign. This sound - voiceless epiglottal trill / ʜ / might not be a problem if it were not in every possible word, often in a cluster of consonants, and sometimes next to each other. Just look at this monstrosity:

Ħýbħhdtidaħtħleħtingar /ʜybʜht:idaʜtʜleʜtingar/

One would think that there is a simpler way to say "hybridization". So with the health of your tongue in mind, here are 16 must-know words and phrases so you can navigate Planigslæting more easily.

EnglishDnimdierlandic DialectStandardised Griffin
ThanksÁtäħ/aitəʜ/Aitäh, aitækk, takk/aitəh / aitæk: / tak:/
Can I have...?Ħenereħ ieħ ħaa...?/ʜenereʜ jeʜ ʜa:/Shjanem ja to tehem...?/ɕanem ja: to tehem/
How much does it cost?Ħwem ħaa ðæt ý wét koślaħninħfeħarninħ?/ʜvem ʜa: θæt y vejt: kostla:ʜninʜfeʜarninʜ/Giragi tot möntagiude?/gira:gi tot montagju:de/
YesTpaħ/tpaʜ/tpak, si/tpak / si/
No/iʜ/niet, ikh/ɲet / ikx/
I am ...Ieħ eħ.../jeʜ eʜ/Ja em.../ja em/
What’s your name?Ħwem æħ ditt nimmfeħarninħ?/ʜvem æʜ dit: nim:feʜarninʜ/Widzj e nimm l'cest de ti?/wiɖʐ e nim: l'cest de ti:/
How are you?Ħwem ħaa ħuu po ditt ħaħtä?/ʜvem ʜa: ʜu: 'po dit: ʜaʜtə/Houw esh ti?/hou:v eʃ ti:/
Again, pleaseËt mëħ tiid, pálun/e̞:t me̞:ʜ ti:d pailun/Ednmjeretiempiska, palun/ednmje:retjempiska palu:n/
More slowly, pleaseMëħ býħegýšk, pálun/me̞:ʜ byʜegyʂk: pailun/Poplöngsamiskast, palun/poplongsa:miskast palu:n/
Sorry, I don’t understandUnsħýlħ, ieħ knzlawenħur iħ ħwem sweħiħaħtltlaħ ħuu/unsʜylʜ jeʜ knzlavenʜu:r iʜ ʜvem sveʜiʜaʜtltlaʜ ʜu:/Ünsshjýld, niet vedem/unsɕyld ɲet ve:dem/
Where is (the)…?Ħdelé jot att biy...?/ʜdelei iot at: biji:/Gdellei da lei e...?/gdel:ei da lei e/


Super Moderator
Staff member
March 4, 2011
We are at 14 applications so far, welcome back Mormadorei. Deadline is tomorrow at 21:00 CET.

Three Griffin Gifts for Cinderella

Here's an (mildly) interesting information. On November 12th, a new version of the holiday phenomenon "Tři oříšky pro Popelku" has been released in cinemas, this time in the Norwegian Griffin production with a fresh new script and all-Griffin cast. What does that have to do with WLSC you ask? Well...

This film is important not only as a cultural phenomenon that brings together a huge number of families from a number of countries in front of small screens during the Christmas holidays, but also for another reason - if it were not for this remake, the Griffin Empire would probably not have the opportunity to host WLSC so soon again. Yes, our winning song from the 231st edition is the main soundtrack for the new version of this cult classic, and not only that - our winner, Astrid S, plays the main role. In addition to her, in the role of the prince, we have the already famous young actor Cengiz Al, whom you may know from the fantastic young-adult series SKAM. I think that our choice of presenters for this edition is already obvious, so without further ado, please let us introduce you our hosts - Astrid S and Cengiz Al.

Astrid Smeplass is a Norwegian Griffin singer and songwriter. She placed fifth in the Norwegian Griffin version of Pop Idol. Last year she released her debut studio album, Leave It Beautiful, through Universal. Cengiz Al is a Norwegian Griffin actor and dancer. His filmography includes Skam, Alle utlendinger har lukka gardiner, Nordsjøen and Tre nøtter til Askepott.

To keep up with this movie related theme, we decided to rip off the Academy Awards yet again. Creative director David Korins tells us that this year's intricate Swarovski crystal installations are meant to signal ‘inclusivity’ because nothing makes you feel more included than overpriced stones you can't afford.

In all, over 41,000 Swarovski crystals were used in the creation of the four designs, taking a team of 15 people over 2,100 hours to put together. “There’s a lot of rectilinear and rigid thinking and there’s a lot of ups and downs, and I wanted to make something that was a distinct statement about inclusion. There’s almost not a [single] straight line onstage and [in] the entire design.” To bring his vision of inclusivity to life, Korins partnered with Swarovski crystals to create four designs that will reign prominently on the Oscars stage: a 1,600-pound cloud-shaped installation aptly called the “Crystal Cloud”; a three-story-high, 54-foot-wide ribbon-like formation called the “Crystal Swag”; and two “Crystal Presenter Backings,” which will appear directly behind the awards presenters.

“We have built an installation of an incredibly soft, beautiful, sweeping, asymmetrical portal that wraps literally out into the audience, covers the opera boxes, and hugs the audience,” Korins says. “It is a statement of inclusion, it’s a statement about community in the room and then also reaching out through the camera with the different kinds of immersive angles.” The Crystal Cloud is made up of thousands of hand-strung beads and will have an amorphous shape that will “literally feel like a cloud floating on the stage,” Korins says. The Crystal Swag, meanwhile, will play on a different, more structured architectural shape, with twists and spirals that make it look almost like a rain curtain flipped on its head, so that the “water droplets” appear to be falling upwards.
Last edited:


February 7, 2010
Scotland & Moisantia
Sweħiħaħtltlaħ ħuu Għifiniħhskħ ý Dnimdħeħlandýkħ vë?

Slow day yesterday - only three more nations joined us (welcome Oussou Empire, Rehi Kaita and Belvist). That means that, currently, 13 countries are expected to be represented at the 232nd Waiting List Song Contest, but while we wait for that number to go higher, let's see how to speak like a local.

If you thought the Griffin language was silly, and the Lætingmaa dialect even more so, then you haven’t heard the Dnimdierlanders speak it.

The Griffin language is considered a difficult and even worse ‘illegible’ language with its clusters of consonants at one end and clusters of vowels at the other end of words that probably number over a dozen letters. However, what confuses foreigners even more are definitely Griffin dialects, which sometimes don't even look like the standard Griffin language. There are two large groups of dialects in the Griffin language - one uses the modern Griffin language as its base, and the other the Old Griffin language.

And to make it even more complicated, these two groups are divided into five more subgroups each, this time based on differences in their phonetics, specifically the pronunciation of the dominant sound R. There are two groups that stand out for their unusualness - the so-called SHJ-TJ dialects of the East we heard during Congratulations 6, and the confusing HH dialects of the South. You notice that, here, the sound R is everything except R.

So the Dnimdierlandic dialect is based on the Old Griffin language and uses H instead of R, that shouldn't be that difficult? Don't be silly. Apart from having 7 tenses more than the standard Griffin language, and cases that work in a completely different way, the worst moment in this dialect is exactly that sound H. First, this sound is written (according to the Griffin rules) with the symbol Ħ (minuscule: ħ) and second, no, no one tries to spit on you, that really is the sound that matches this sign. This sound - voiceless epiglottal trill / ʜ / might not be a problem if it were not in every possible word, often in a cluster of consonants, and sometimes next to each other. Just look at this monstrosity:

Ħýbħhdtidaħtħleħtingar /ʜybʜht:idaʜtʜleʜtingar/

One would think that there is a simpler way to say "hybridization". So with the health of your tongue in mind, here are 16 must-know words and phrases so you can navigate Planigslæting more easily.

EnglishDnimdierlandic DialectStandardised Griffin
ThanksÁtäħ/aitəʜ/Aitäh, aitækk, takk/aitəh / aitæk: / tak:/
Can I have...?Ħenereħ ieħ ħaa...?/ʜenereʜ jeʜ ʜa:/Shjanem ja to tehem...?/ɕanem ja: to tehem/
How much does it cost?Ħwem ħaa ðæt ý wét koślaħninħfeħarninħ?/ʜvem ʜa: θæt y vejt: kostla:ʜninʜfeʜarninʜ/Giragi tot möntagiude?/gira:gi tot montagju:de/
YesTpaħ/tpaʜ/tpak, si/tpak / si/
No/iʜ/niet, ikh/ɲet / ikx/
I am ...Ieħ eħ.../jeʜ eʜ/Ja em.../ja em/
What’s your name?Ħwem æħ ditt nimmfeħarninħ?/ʜvem æʜ dit: nim:feʜarninʜ/Widzj e nimm l'cest de ti?/wiɖʐ e nim: l'cest de ti:/
How are you?Ħwem ħaa ħuu po ditt ħaħtä?/ʜvem ʜa: ʜu: 'po dit: ʜaʜtə/Houw esh ti?/hou:v eʃ ti:/
Again, pleaseËt mëħ tiid, pálun/e̞:t me̞:ʜ ti:d pailun/Ednmjeretiempiska, palun/ednmje:retjempiska palu:n/
More slowly, pleaseMëħ býħegýšk, pálun/me̞:ʜ byʜegyʂk: pailun/Poplöngsamiskast, palun/poplongsa:miskast palu:n/
Sorry, I don’t understandUnsħýlħ, ieħ knzlawenħur iħ ħwem sweħiħaħtltlaħ ħuu/unsʜylʜ jeʜ knzlavenʜu:r iʜ ʜvem sveʜiʜaʜtltlaʜ ʜu:/Ünsshjýld, niet vedem/unsɕyld ɲet ve:dem/
Where is (the)…?Ħdelé jot att biy...?/ʜdelei iot at: biji:/Gdellei da lei e...?/gdel:ei da lei e/
I have tried to pronounce most of the words in this post - I have concluded that speakers of the Lætingmaa dialect are all descendants of throat singers from Nunavut...


August 10, 2020
Omg deadline is the day of my birthday xheat

Well since we don't need to be part of the WL to participate !

Akatsuki :

Antony Trice
- Je voudrais que tu m'aimes



Super Moderator
Staff member
March 4, 2011
I have tried to pronounce most of the words in this post - I have concluded that speakers of the Lætingmaa dialect are all descendants of throat singers from Nunavut...
JSdjksdjkdf, it's Dnimdierlandic dialect, but yes it really does sound insane. :lol: Lætingmaa is much softer with lots of /u/, /ʃ/, /ɕ/ and /t̠ɕj/ sounds. :lol:

Omg deadline is the day of my birthday xheat
Omg you get the show as a present xheat


WorldVision Mod 🍁
Staff member
August 9, 2011
Birmingham, UK
≋≋ ::tad Tamausia & Deltannor ::tad ≋≋
NADA - Bulletproof

T&D has only gone K-pop twice before and both times we came top 3 (3rd in WLSC 114 with Boombayah by BLACKPINK and 3rd in WLSC 210 with Ready by Sonnet) so hopefully this can be the hat-trick xheat


Worldvision Mod ❄️
Staff member
February 10, 2019
chocolatine in savouè
We are at 14 applications so far, welcome back Mormadorei. Deadline is tomorrow at 21:00 CET.

Three Griffin Gifts for Cinderella

Here's an (mildly) interesting information. On November 12th, a new version of the holiday phenomenon "Tři oříšky pro Popelku" has been released in cinemas, this time in the Norwegian Griffin production with a fresh new script and all-Griffin cast. What does that have to do with WLSC you ask? Well...

This film is important not only as a cultural phenomenon that brings together a huge number of families from a number of countries in front of small screens during the Christmas holidays, but also for another reason - if it were not for this remake, the Griffin Empire would probably not have the opportunity to host WLSC so soon again. Yes, our winning song from the 231st edition is the main soundtrack for the new version of this cult classic, and not only that - our winner, Astrid S, plays the main role. In addition to her, in the role of the prince, we have the already famous young actor Cengiz Al, whom you may know from the fantastic young-adult series SKAM. I think that our choice of presenters for this edition is already obvious, so without further ado, please let us introduce you our hosts - Astrid S and Cengiz Al.

Astrid Smeplass is a Norwegian Griffin singer and songwriter. She placed fifth in the Norwegian Griffin version of Pop Idol. Last year she released her debut studio album, Leave It Beautiful, through Universal. Cengiz Al is a Norwegian Griffin actor and dancer. His filmography includes Skam, Alle utlendinger har lukka gardiner, Nordsjøen and Tre nøtter til Askepott.

To keep up with this movie related theme, we decided to rip off the Academy Awards yet again. Creative director David Korins tells us that this year's intricate Swarovski crystal installations are meant to signal ‘inclusivity’ because nothing makes you feel more included than overpriced stones you can't afford.

In all, over 41,000 Swarovski crystals were used in the creation of the four designs, taking a team of 15 people over 2,100 hours to put together. “There’s a lot of rectilinear and rigid thinking and there’s a lot of ups and downs, and I wanted to make something that was a distinct statement about inclusion. There’s almost not a [single] straight line onstage and [in] the entire design.” To bring his vision of inclusivity to life, Korins partnered with Swarovski crystals to create four designs that will reign prominently on the Oscars stage: a 1,600-pound cloud-shaped installation aptly called the “Crystal Cloud”; a three-story-high, 54-foot-wide ribbon-like formation called the “Crystal Swag”; and two “Crystal Presenter Backings,” which will appear directly behind the awards presenters.

“We have built an installation of an incredibly soft, beautiful, sweeping, asymmetrical portal that wraps literally out into the audience, covers the opera boxes, and hugs the audience,” Korins says. “It is a statement of inclusion, it’s a statement about community in the room and then also reaching out through the camera with the different kinds of immersive angles.” The Crystal Cloud is made up of thousands of hand-strung beads and will have an amorphous shape that will “literally feel like a cloud floating on the stage,” Korins says. The Crystal Swag, meanwhile, will play on a different, more structured architectural shape, with twists and spirals that make it look almost like a rain curtain flipped on its head, so that the “water droplets” appear to be falling upwards.
I have no word

::pyr is going through a small crisis right now. Our HoD is too busy trying to think of a meal that is composed of other things than cheese and ham. We'll come back to you with our entry once she'll have given up and settled on pasta carbonara for the third time that week.


Super Moderator
Staff member
March 4, 2011
Michael Bublé and Mariah Carey banned from the show

It is true that it is their time of year, but with the desire to preserve our sanity and at least have some peace from them here, GTV has decided not to put a single Christmas song in its show. To further insure ourselves, we put a ban on half-man-half-Christmas, Michael Bublé and the diva who survives these days thanks to that one song, Mariah Carey. But then what can the second December edition of WLSC offer in its show section? I'm glad you asked.

The competition will be opened by Agnete Johnsen and her song Icebreaker, which is also the theme of this edition. After her we will hear last year’s winner and this year’s co-host Astrid S and her winning song Når Snøen Smelter. After such opening and the flag parade, the competition part will begin. As an interval act we will hear the medley of previous Griffiniskaja Laul winners prepared for us by RaveDJ - Music Mixer, and just before the voting ceremony Astrid S will perform again. This time, Astrid will sing us two songs - a cover of Cezinando's song Vi er perfekt men verden er ikke det which was a potential entry for Griffiniskaja Laul in case of "Skamløs" theme winning the poll and her hit It's Ok If You Forget Me.

And finally, this is the last day of this edition's confirmation period, so this is the last reminder to apply. The deadline is at 21:00 or 9:00 PM CET, not midnight.



April 20, 2015
A Bridge Too Far
Michael Bublé and Mariah Carey banned from the show

It is true that it is their time of year, but with the desire to preserve our sanity and at least have some peace from them here, GTV has decided not to put a single Christmas song in its show. To further insure ourselves, we put a ban on half-man-half-Christmas, Michael Bublé and the diva who survives these days thanks to that one song, Mariah Carey. But then what can the second December edition of WLSC offer in its show section? I'm glad you asked.

This is why some people in Utopolis still have a religion, because some of our our prayers do get answered.


Super Moderator 🌴
Staff member
March 1, 2013

Seka Aleksic
Crno i Zlato

Solentoya is living its Balkan Christmas fantasy this edition.​


Worldvision Mod ❄️
Staff member
February 10, 2019
chocolatine in savouè

LSD - Genius ft. Sia, Labrinth, Diplo (Devinity Remix)

Me waiting for the last moment to send the song I've been considering since day one. Flop being flop.​
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