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NATIAVISION 205 - General Discussion Thread


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Staff member
March 4, 2011

Round one, and so far, 77 countries could have voted and only one (GFE) did. That was an absolutely pathetic amount banked! Don't forget that the deadline for both semi-finals is at Sunday, 22nd May 2022, this time at MIDNIGHT also known as 24:00 CET.​


Super Moderator
Staff member
March 4, 2011


Welcome back to the Weakest Link. As many as 4 nations voted - Kimmystan, Balearica Island, Rahasia-Diati and Roseland. Well done, at least some of you aren't the aliens from the planet incompetence. Don’t forget about the deadline which is Sunday, 22nd May 2022, 24:00 CET!

So, it is time to revisit the Griffin language, which attracted some attention during the Natiavision in the Griffin Empire (let's pretend that was not our goal). What interests us today is how we came up with some names that look unrecognizable, and why some names are absolutely the same.

When you look at those unfortunate tables of ours, you could see: first, that we forgot Matimati, and second, that some countries, because of strange names, look as if we forgot them, but we didn't. The reason for the first situation is simply the incompetence of GTV, but come on, at least we are not RAI.

The name Matimati in the Griffin language is Mödrimaa which comes from no less than a translation from the Belvistian (read: Serbian) language through which the Griffinians first heard of this country. Namely, Belvistian word mati means mother, so in some historical writings instead of the native name of Matimati some clumsy Griffinian translated it as "country of mothers" or Mödrimaa (mödra+maa). And it is Belvist that has an interesting name too - Wytstadimaa which means "land of the white city", probably another mistranslation.

However, not everything is mistranslated, Svarrtmeremaa is "the land of the Black Sea", Adamishkberj is "Adam's burg" and Emmaa is "Em's land". Emmaa is a relatively new name for Emsfrynt, which was introduced into the dictionary after negotiations with this country to replace the previous name Emsfrhõnt. Another interesting name, in which history is involved, is Altrýgýryk or "complete Rýgý", which alludes to the fact that part of Dalisska was once a long time ago Griffin Colony of Rýgý. Rýgý literally means "horn" in Old Griffin, which is connected with the fact that this colony included a peninsula that looked exactly like that on the maps - like a horn.

Some countries, however, did not have such complicated etymologies: Arirang, Balearika, Begoniya, Doirë, Itscsakalii, Kaadis, Kamandë and even Aimuulý, Kömiinö, Tuuzii and Hýpjoo do not differ too much from their original names. The reason for this is the late introduction to these countries or simply the fact that they absolutely fit into the Griffin language as such, so translations were not needed, but only a slight adjustment to spelling and phonetics. Some of similar looking names are Fervosimaa, Moisantimaa, Sundfõrimaa, Svobodnimaa and Szimbasikaingetmaa, for which it is obvious that we have just attached the typical Griffin suffix -maa which means country.

Speaking of words for the country, there are even a few different words with the same or similar meaning. Ryk, maa, madnait, and landet all mean land. So you have "land that talks a lot" - Mýktswershjnryk (from biflati - to learn, to speak quickly what you have learned), "Cydoni state" - Sýdaaniryk, "Kimmy's land" - Kimingskalandet, "land of the mountains" - Dnimdjerimaa. This last name for a country known to the rest of Natia as Pyreica has an even more interesting background. This name is at first sight an obvious direct description of this country in the Griffin neighborhood, but that is not all. Namely, the province in the extreme southeast of our country, in the Õklingsmaa principality, deep in the mountains is called Dnimdjermadnait, also "mountain country". Fortunately, madnait usually points to a territory of less independence than maa and is only a historical administrative unit of this principality. Pyreica, for now, does not need to worry.

Other interesting suffixes are -plaits or -plats which means place, -ing and -leht which are classic suffixes for nouns in both old and modern language, -isl which means island. In this group there are "the place that cannot sleep" - Ikhdrhomshjanplaits or Insomnéa, "Tir and Abhain" Týraetthjabrahaining mistranslated name for Tír an Abhainn, sonorous Kalýpsleht or Calypso, unchanged Kordavisle or Kordavian Islands, and the "new bander" - Nýtbanding or New Bander State.

Some countries like Halito, Yaponesia, Orangualia and Sakuralia - Jeradings, Niponi, Ilemkoeraht and Zeholeraht are specially counstructed names to sound halfway between their native languages and Griffin. The names of some countries are related to their climate as "cold in the north" - Kaldetingsinor or Bigicia, and "sunny one" - Sönchewskë or Solentoya. In some countries with more words in the name, Griffin versions are shortened to one word, so we have Tamausimaa instead of the long Tamausia & Deltannor, Triinuriyryk instead of Riya-Sampetrina and Rahaasia instead of Rahasia-Diati. Some countries have more names like Ugaly or Tanoiro which can remain Tanoiro or become Tanorileht. Tanoiro is interesting to us because one district in Kralingslæting bears the name of this country, an it's no less than 13th district in the central municipality of Kralewskovgrad. And for some countries, like Redwood Republic, the origin of the name is not known, and it is even stranger because it does not even resemble the original name - Jeeoeä.

Aaand, that would be it for today. We hope we have explained to you a little bit the logic behind this chaos. We could still talk about this, but then we are not sure that we would come out of the whole story. Have fun studying for your Griffin exam and vote so you won't become the weakest link.​
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Worldvision Mod ❄️
Staff member
February 10, 2019
chocolatine in savouè
"land of the mountains" - Dnimdjerimaa. This last name for a country known to the rest of Natia as Pyreica has an even more interesting background. This name is at first sight an obvious direct description of this country in the Griffin neighborhood, but that is not all. Namely, the province in the extreme southeast of our country, in the Õklingsmaa principality, deep in the mountains is called Dnimdjermadnait, also "mountain country". Fortunately, madnait usually points to a territory of less independence than maa and is only a historical administrative unit of this principality.​
A mystery has been solved xbow Glad to finally see all the background brainstorming for these names we have been butchering since you entered the WL.
Pyreica, for now, does not need to worry.​
Don't forget who has the bears xqueenbitch


Super Moderator
Staff member
March 4, 2011
A mystery has been solved xbow Glad to finally see all the background brainstorming for these names we have been butchering since you entered the WL.
Bonus points for those that remember that I explained this to you during WLSC212 already. :xo:

Don't forget who has the bears xqueenbitch


Lol I love how I tried to be menacing, but my hand is so shaky that instead of a straight line it made a tilde. :lol:


Well-known member
January 28, 2010
Bear in mind that Natian Security Council was founded by Griffin Empire and its five permanent members currently include Griffin Empire and four Griffin government institutions.


Photo from the last council meeting


Super Moderator
Staff member
March 4, 2011


Only Kamandé, Moisantia and Sakuralia voted yesterday. Why are the rest as useful as a sauna in the Sahara? Is it possible that maybe there are no marbles for you guys to lose? If you continue like this, you will indeed become the weakest links. Once again, the deadline is Sunday, 22nd May 2022, 24:00 CET!

And on the other hand, we have more news regarding the Grand Final Traditionally and very Eurovision-like, during the voting, we will go live from the Kralarrenaa to participating countries' beautiful cities where local stars will wait to read your votes. The first country to publish the names of its spokespersons (perhaps because it is the only one to know about this) is the host country - the Griffin Empire. Guided by the previous conclusion that two heads are better than one, it was decided that the votes from Kralingslaeting will be read by actors who play the two most annoying characters (very on brand for the Griffin Empire) in the popular Griffo-Solentoyan series Elite - Miguel Bernardeau and Álvaro Rico.

And now we ask you who will tell us your Oitpoints?

Bear in mind that Natian Security Council was founded by Griffin Empire and its five permanent members currently include Griffin Empire and four Griffin government institutions.


Photo from the last council meeting
Can confirm it’s true and this professional and classy 💅🏻🙏🏻
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Well-known member
October 3, 2009
Trondheim, Norway / Niavara, Balearica Island
Less than a day and half to go. Deadline is at Midnight, tomorrow.
Who makes Tarzan look like a Rhodes scholar? Who's as much use as a bird with vertigo?
Vote on time!​

Appreciate the reminder, but I voted early this week. ;) You counted my votes, right? :)


Super Moderator
Staff member
March 4, 2011
Remember this WLSC meme? Well, y'all are dangerously close to make it come true, twice. Official deadline is tonight at midnight CET, but I am willing to accept votes till tomorrow at noon CET due to unfortunate Orangualian storm situation, but let's be punctual.

Yaponesia @takeru
Hypjø @Lenalite
Trollheimr @Stargazer
Belvist @Milos-BC
Orangualia @Leaf
Svobodnia @Rmetr0
Serenes @Karhu
Emsfrynt @Ewigkeit
Oussou Empire @CypriotGirl

Rumia @dogmeat
Uferbruht @Alevender
Ic-Sa-Calli @azilio99
Cydoni-Gibberia @Sean
Tybalteva @tuorem
Tamausia-Deltannor @theCONWEL
Calypso @renzo
Vylkuzeme @as78
Luzinia @ClassifiedCat


Mod of All Things
Staff member
January 13, 2010
Trollheimr / Westrobothnia
Remember this WLSC meme? Well, y'all are dangerously close to make it come true, twice. Official deadline is tonight at midnight CET, but I am willing to accept votes till tomorrow at noon CET due to unfortunate Orangualian storm situation, but let's be punctual.

Yaponesia @takeru
Hypjø @Lenalite
Trollheimr @Stargazer
Belvist @Milos-BC
Orangualia @Leaf
Svobodnia @Rmetr0
Serenes @Karhu
Emsfrynt @Ewigkeit
Oussou Empire @CypriotGirl

Rumia @dogmeat
Uferbruht @Alevender
Ic-Sa-Calli @azilio99
Cydoni-Gibberia @Sean
Tybalteva @tuorem
Tamausia-Deltannor @theCONWEL
Calypso @renzo
Vylkuzeme @as78
Luzinia @ClassifiedCat
Working on it! xheat This list of nations left to vote is actually quite short compared to what it can be four hours before the DDL. :lol:


Super Moderator
Staff member
March 4, 2011
part 1 - Bridges, Antiquity and Opera

Before the idea for the logo came up at all, there was a goal to show Griffin Empire to the whole of Natia, and how better to do that than through postcards. All 60 (+1 for Reym-L-Dneurb) postcards were made right after the logo and were just waiting to see the light of day. So, while we wait for the votes to come, we will make a mini tour of the Griffin Empire in three parts, and today we present you the first eight postcards.

On the postcard for Trollheimr is the building we have already talked about - Nýtpresör or Noueveliska Presör or the old New Bridge. Kralingslæting would never be the same without this masterpiece that connects the north with the south over its 12 arches. It has been listed since 1889 as a historic location of national interest by the Griffin Ministry of Culture, but also as The Symbol of The Principality by The Princely Parliament of Foreõsvdetrre (Foreõsvdetrreiskaja Kantselarplats).

Riya-Sampetrina, on the other hand, is represented by the iconic Gardöpresör aqueduct in the province of Pzyerüyölkeä which is claimed to be as old as Natia itself. The truth is, however, that it was built in the first century AD to carry water to Plosnatsit, which is interestingly on the very next postcard. Gardöpresör is the tallest of all ancient Griffin aqueduct bridges, as well as one of the best preserved. It was added to the list of Natian Heritage sites in 1985 because of its exceptional preservation, historical importance, and architectural ingenuity.

The next important building for Plosnatsit is the Altõdiiriska Arrenaa (lit. Old Old Arena) which today shines in the colours of Cherniya. Inspired by the arenas of Tybalteva, the citizens of this city wanted to become a hotspot for various competitions in the early expansion period of the first Griffin State. And they succeeded in that, briefly, until the other larger centres got their arenas. Today, however, this monument remains one of the most magnificent of the 400 early Griffin amphitheatres.

And now we're moving back to the capital and to the present times. We are all already familiar with the Nýtkapii or Noueveliska Kapii that adorns the Scirq District in Kralingslæting. Unlike its inspiration (Kapii ot võitjating), it is a monument to humanity and humanitarian ideals rather than military victories. The two sides of the Kapii house government offices. The roof section features panoramic views of the city and includes a restaurant and a gallery dedicated to photojournalism. And that's what represents Svobodnia.

And Emsfrynt made sure to show that our country is more than cities and old buildings. Their postcard shows what Mere Griffiniskaja or Griffin Sea looks like from the coast of Westersund Principality. This beautiful sapphire blue sea floods the entire west coast of the Griffin Empire, and as many as three Griffin principalities. In the north it changes its name to Bay of Tybalteva or, if you are from the Griffin Empire - Bay of Klej (Klejiskýbæijj).

If you participated in the 212th WLSC, then you are also familiar with the location that represents Rumia. It was this building that hosted the "Purple Carpet" event, where the contestants and their delegations were presented before the accredited press and fans. Museumi ot istorietotr ot Natiaiskaja Liudotre or Museum of History of Natian Peoples is a new symbol of Mare Incatato, the capital of the province of Meremaa, which in contrast to the ancient city walls adorns L'zjuud ot Madnaotr Tere Square.

If anything screams "empire", it is the Palace of Blaaföntanshke. Located just south of Kralingslæting, this palace and garden complex is one of the three official residences of the Griffin Imperial Family. Apparently, they like to spend their summers here the most, so we invited the Belvist delegation to enjoy this luxury as well.

And going back to Kralingslæting, another well-known location is representing New Bander State - Bitniska Õepra. It doesn't need introduction, it is probably the most famous opera house in the world and we already talked about it so much. Let us just enjoy one of its magnificent shows.

As we were sorry to be separated from our semi-finalists, we decided to publish their postcards in the order in which they will vote. As many as four countries voted, probably in fear of Griffin's name-calling, and here are their postcards. Roselandian postcard is showing Parjegöloogosiskaja garrdann ot faqltititëtotr farmasýloogosiska or Botanical Garden of the Pharmaceutical College located in Nýtdainsk, the capital of the province of Sletterimaa. Sakuralia drinks famous Gæyæk wine from Pzyerüyölkeä. Stanislas Tere Square, another symbol of the country, located in Daunsigslæting, Färzas-Lætingmaa (more Lætingmaa than Färzas) would have been representing Tanoiro. And last but not least, Kimmystan's postcard depicts Main Train Station in Pavlopolis, Sletterimaa.


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Staff member
March 4, 2011
part 2 - Concrete, Iron and Glass

Welcome back to our behind the scenes posts where we explain how our postcards came about to be and what are they depicting. Before we begin, a reminder that the vote is still ongoing, that eight countries have voted so far and that the deadline for voting is Monday. And now, we move on to the next ten iconic, very Griffin, not at all French, places.

First in line today is Orangualia. We had a special treatment for Orangualia because their postcard was taken at a location called Orangualian passage. This passage connects two skyscrapers in the Scirq district of Kralingslæting, and is named after the Orangualian Embassy which is just located in one of them.

The following postcard is the first of several internal jokes between GTV and a couple of other Natian national broadcasters. Namely, you are familiar with the story of Griffin weather, cold winters and even colder summers, beaches full of people in fur coats. So it's only logical that for Solentoya, its warm sun-drenched beaches and summer hits we have a postcard depicting a real sea idyll - Griffin Sea in Northern Westersund during winter and its beaches full of snow.

Last time we mentioned the ancient aqueduct, and today we have the opportunity to see the modern version. On the postcard for Luzinia, we have the Nýtgardöpresör which (like its namesake Gardöpresör) is located in the province of Pzyerüyölkeä. This fantastic bridge that connects some of the most important roads in the south is the tallest bridge in the world, having a structural height of 336.4 metres.

And speaking of bridges, the next one is extremely important - the Griffin-Tybaltevan Friendship Bridge or the Presör ot Griffinötýbaltevaiskaja äplacijaoon. This marvel of engineering connects these two countries across the Tybaltevan (Klej) Bay in the direction: Klej, Sletterimaa - Greffonville, Tybalteva. Technically, it is the longest combined railway and motorway bridge in Western Natia, running nearly 8 kilometers from the Griffin coast to the artificial island Äplisl (Île des amis) in the Griffin part of the bay. The crossing is completed by the 160-kilometer Friendship Tunnel from Äplisl to the Tybaltevan island of Ceglèpoliaux. Definitely a symbolic postcard choice for Tybalteva.

Balearican postcard showcases a quiet town of Efdhtistaid, in Westersund. Once when an Effilandic princess married into the Griffin Royal Family, she got a tidal island off the shore of Northern Westersund as a present. She named it after her homeland and made it into a castle which with its huge number of staff became so massive that it became a whole town on its own. One of royal children got the title "Count of Efdhtistaid" and thus this community officially became a town.

And the first art piece of the edition is showcased on the Kamandéan postcard. Painting Lastiska thcjerturtöhtiskaja troor, literally the Last Unification War can be seen in Palace of Brobdingngang in Kralingslæting. It depicts the horrors of the conquest of Lætingmaa which was the final stage of unification of all Griffin countries.

Last year’s winners, Sundfør have the opportunity to present Nýtsitötärte, a new business district in Hermýn, the capital of the Principality of Õklingsma. The second largest Griffin city, a favourite destination for fans of top cuisine, has recently had the opportunity to boast the first recordbreaking skyscrapers, and we just had to show them to you.

And Rahasia-Diati takes us to another capital - Göldtsit which is the capital of the province of Pzyerüyölkeä. Everyone who has ever learned even a crumb of the Griffin language has heard of Uegötõlõrõtschwebegradtschwarödvorec - an ancient hospital, later a medieval castle and a modern museum that, in addition to its impressive appearance and large art collection, surprises with its eloquent tongue twister of a name. However, the Presör ot Tærýana, an elegant bridge dedicated to the capital city of Rahasia-Diati - Terryana, plays a central role here.

Purple is the colour of the Bigician flag, purple is also the colour of the beautiful lavender fields in the south of Meremaa. If you have a perfume that smells of lavender, chances are that lavender comes from the Perfume fields of Southern Meremaa. The fact that this flower grows on the soil of the Griffin Empire means that it may not be so cold here, at least not as much as in the "cold land in the north". Or is it just a consequence of the proximity of Ugaly?

And just when we mention that it is not cold, it is time to deny that statement with a postcard for Uferbruht. Namely, Kalen Bay on the north coast of the Sletterimaa Principality freezes so much during the winter, that it is necessary to hire a few icebreakers. Interestingly enough, "icebreaker" was also official theme for the 232nd Waiting List Song Contest.

And finally, we have three new voters - Moisantia, Halito and Pyreica. All three countries are unfortunately not among the finalists which means it’s time to see what their postcards would look like if they were. They have already seen them for the first time when they voted, and we also offer you an explanation of what is on them. Moisantia is represented by the magnificent sculpture of Wjöngiska Võitja adorning the staircase of the imperial palace of Brobdingngang in Kralingslæting, a gift from Nucharlston for the millennium of the Griffin Unification. A postcard for Halito shows the central square - Gýörgýsön Tere in Tevs, Meremaa, where an agreement on eternal peace between the Griffin Empire and Ugaly was signed. And finally, another internal joke, for anti-monarchical Pyreica - Crown of Westersund.

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Well-known member
September 28, 2009
Arvidsjaur, Sweden
The fact that this flower grows on the soil of the Griffin Empire means that it may not be so cold here, at least not as much as in the "cold land in the north". Or is it just a consequence of the proximity of Ugaly?
Oh trust me, if we had any effect on Griffin flora, your perfume would smell like foot sweat.

where an agreement on eternal peace between the Griffin Empire and Ugaly was signed.
A peace that has never once wavered!

Griffin-Ugly diplomacy in a nutshell:
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January 17, 2012
Thank you for revealing the postcards of those who did not advance, we would have missed out on so much beauty and lore 😍 This guided tour of the empire is everything.


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Staff member
March 4, 2011
part 3 - Portraits, Landscapes and History

And we are back with final 10 postcards to discuss. No new non-qualifier voters, but we have to thank glorious Fierraria for being the first Waiting List nation to vote, as well as Mormadorei that did so too. Now, get ready and let's explore the country some more and ask ourselves are other places jealous of Kralingslæting's overrepresentation.

We start with a postcard for the host country from the host country. A little south of the better-known Scirq district of Kralingslæting, there is the Kelua district, which has recently experienced a building boom. As many as 20 new skyscrapers dotted the skyline of the capital, of which the highest - Dyctyonarytybegradtschwar is 442 meters high. And on top of that, all 20 of them are currently in the top 20 tallest buildings in Griffin Empire. The power they have.

Moving to Mõntinleht, Meremaa for Calypso's postcard. It is what you would call a frontier town. For centuries, it was the main entrance from Ugaly to Griffin. And what an entrance it is - a fashionable tourist centre with grand mansions and gardens. With its temperate Mediterranean climate, especially favourable to the citrus industry (with which it is strongly identified) it is a strong reminder that no need to go far for some tan.

Let's stay in the maritime theme for a while. Kadis' postcard depicts Shipbuilding Fair in Rakozsit, Pyerüyölkeä. Shipbuilding has always been one of major branches of economy of the 14th largest Griffin city. And this becomes especially interesting when there's a festival where thousands of locals and tourists clog all the city ports with boats, canoes, and gondolas singing Griffin folk songs.

Zechonia will take care of reminding you once again of Kralingslæting. Making of the first Gallery of the Palace of Brobdingngang is the name of the painting, also dearly called "painting of paintings with paintings", which adorns this postcard. This painting perhaps perfectly describes this palace - it is a museum, but also an imperial residence, it is open to the public, but also closed, free to see, but not as well.

Now, obligatory nature time, and what a best way than to spend it with a God himself. Serenes' postcard features a literal god, God of Färzas to be exact. Yes, that's a literal name of a mountain and a glacier - Björg ot Färzas. However we cannot forget the Trtlngħet Lake and Fär Mountain which can be seen in the distance.

Legend has it that the Hermýnýhutjutýmuljt House is a typical example of Pzyerüyölkeän nature. It was built in the middle of the bridge, allegedly out of spite so that the rich could not pass from the capital Göldtsit to their summer houses along the river Vereberjsej. And then those same nobles demolished the bridge out of spite, so that even the owners of the house could not use it. Maybe Fervorosian delegation will help us rebuild it?

And speaking of nobles, there is a quite popular TV show about them. It's called Míølnīr after the ducal family Míølnīr of Dnimdjermadnait. It depicts controversial moments in their history and how did they become one of the most influental Õklingsmaa, Griffin and Natian families. Postcard for Mormadorei plays an homage to both the series and the family by showing us the show set and actors which is interestingly filmed in the centre of Dnimdjermadnait - in the city of Planigslæting.

As Tamausia & Deltannor does not hide her love for dance, it was only logical to find Tantsidadniqe painting on their postcard, which is kept in Nýtdainsk, the capital of the Principality of Sletterima. Painted in 1874, this was not a typical impressionist painting. The painting is an oil on canvas with the lack of colour that is evidence of the painting's anti-impressionism. Very controversial for the impressionism-loving nation.

We’ve already had one whole WLSC dedicated to our palaces, but they’re so wonderful that we shouldn’t have missed the opportunity to show them off once again. Tcher-Racoi presents us Täshambaarrdt castle in the Duchy of Färzas which is not even completed according to the original plan because the owners went bankrupt in an attempt to overshadow the imperial palace of Saint Belviederhee. Only after several generations and with a few changes to the design, this magnificent building was completed, but not even uncertainty and its turbulent history couldn't prevent it to become one of the biggest Griffin attractions and one of the largest castles in West Natia.

And ending the series with another, Oussou, empire and Ýnwaliidet Kirkja et Dvorec. This is a complex of buildings in the Marsileht District of Kralingslæting, containing museums and monuments, all relating to the military history of Griffin Empire, as well as a hospital and a retirement home for war veterans, the building's original purpose. The buildings house the Troorpövgröpömuseumi, the Lorjovömappenömuseumi, and the Museumi ot moderneiska istorietotr.

And that's it, see you soon at the next voting update.​
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Super Moderator
Staff member
March 4, 2011

Hey besties, it's time to remind you that you have just around one day left to vote, and the number of procrastinators is disgusting. Do not forget, tomorrow, at midnight, voting ends, no votes left will be accepted. WL darlings, you are doing great.

So while we wait for two thirds of total votes to come, let's enjoy some more postcards. For Doire, we have Slëttë castle located in Sletterimaa. Begonia filmed their postcard in beautiful mountainous city of Planigslæting which lies proudly on the Edtwejs River. Mare Incatato's famous stadium MareStadiumi was host to the 212th WLSC, but also to the delegation from Ic-Sa-Calli who attended a football match as an activity for their postcard. Arirang had an opportunity to get to know Griffin weird religion-philosophy mix in the Bliankö kirkja ot tra, while Adamsburg spent some time at the Griffin Riviera. And finally, Reym-L-Dneurb couldn't join us for this edition, but their delegation did get ready in case their reserve entry could be performed at the show. They did also went to a football game, but at Noueveliska Stadijümi Pyetsitiskaja Stadium in, well, Pyetsit.

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