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Map of Countries You Have Visited


Well-known member
October 26, 2011
I probably shouldn't have included :fr: because it was just Disneyland and a quik peek of the city I can hardly remember :mrgreen: but hey, I'm totally coming back :cool:

Oh yes ! Come !!! :D Spaniards are totally welcome ! :D (I wish I was Spanish, they are so nice, friendly... xcry1

Was it around Marne-la-Vallée, your town ? The town of Mickey and Minnie ? :lol:


Well-known member
October 26, 2011
Croatia and Romania are more expensive than the others, but for the sea landscapes probably Croatia is the most cool. Talking about holidays at Sea, Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey had a better organisation and were able to come with cheapest vacations. Of course, we also have a lot of foreign tourists but not the poorest ones. Actually even Romanians prefer these three countries, but only for the costs. But Romania has much more to offer than commercial or wild beaches. At Black Sea we also have the Danube Delta, the wildest theritory from Europe, we have beautiful cities: Bucharest, Cluj, Iaşi, Timişoara, Braşov and many other medieval cities. We have history, beautiful castles, Sarmisegetuza ruins... it was the capital of Dacia. Foreign researchers say Latin comes from old Romanian and not vice versa, here is more mistery, not only the legend of Dracula. Our mountains are amazing, when my daughters will marry I will go to live there. :) Carpathian mountains provide the habitat for the largest European populations of brown bears, wolves, chamois and lynxes, with the highest concentration in Romania, as well as over one third of all European plant species.The Carpathians and their foothills also have many thermal and mineral waters, with Romania having one-third of the European total. Romania is likewise home to the largest surface of virgin forests in Europe (excluding Russia), totaling 250,000 hectares (65%), most of them in the Carpathians, with the Southern Carpathians constituting Europe’s largest unfragmented forested area. And we also have a lot of untouched old villages where people keep thier lives like 100 years ago, thing that is one of the best things. It's a subject close to prince Charles's heart. He first came here in 1998 on an official visit - the only time he's visited on business. He fell so much under the spell of the place that he bought a house in one of the wooden villages (Viscri), then acquired another property which he's turned into a comfortable lodge. He makes a private visit for a few days every year if he can, preferably in May when the wild flowers are out, and both houses can be rented when Charles isn't there. The meadows of Romania are spectacular with a huge variety of species - as many as six times more to the square metre than can be found in Britain - as they've never been sprayed with pesticides or herbicides.
I didn't intend to promote my country here, I have bilions beautiful things to say about Romania, I tryed a short answer for David. And btw, we have Macin Mountains near Black Sea, they are not mountains anymore, but they are the oldest from Europe and then come the youngest earth from Europe: Danube Delta.

:ro: is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful country in Europe, and one of the best biggest patrimony. Mountains, deep forests with bears :lol:, painted covents in Romanian Moldova, and so on... That's a pride to live there ! xbow
I had to go once but I had to resign because of university xcry1 and because I failed at the driving license xcry1 xcry1 xcry1 but I really hope to see all this for real one day. :)

Romania is certainly too interesting to take two weeks blocked in Constanta ! :D

As for new destinations, it's the 2nd time I see a TV program in France that tells us that the avant-garde destination, the place to be before everyone and all is :al: ! :eek:


Staff member
September 28, 2009


By July 2015 this will be more...


March 3, 2014
London, United Kingdom
At the risk of exposing how technically illiterate I am, how do you post pictures? I tried to post one of my map, but it just seems to come up as a cross... unless the rest of you can see it... :?


Well-known member
March 11, 2013
[MENTION=13323]JamesUK1990[/MENTION] - You can open the image in a new tab, and copy URL address. Then everything will be ok ;)


Active member
March 17, 2013
Countries I have visited:

Countries I want to visit - not a comprehensive list, I had to be selective with European countries and in some parts of the world I just haven't been able to decide on a dream destination, therefore leaving everything empty:


Well-known member
March 27, 2010
This is what I want for a start... (I've only visited Bulgaria & F.Y.R. of Macedonia, Greece is my country)

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