Today it was time for

at the ESC kompakt songecheks 2024.
Der Malta Eurovision Song Contest 2024 diente auch in diesem Jahr als maltesischer Vorentscheid für den ESC. Anders als in früheren Jahren gab es dieses Mal keine zahlreichen Semis, das Format wurd…
The verdict of the bloggers:
Benny - Sadly MESC was once again messed up from start to finish. What are the responsible people thinking?? "Loop" is of course absolutely not competitive, even a mega awesome stage show with artistic dance break couldn´t save it I´m afraid. It gets a few points for the slightly catchy effect that has settled in for me.
Berenike - Unfortunately, this is pretty standard stuff. You've heard this kind of thing so many times that it's just boring. In addition, the many vowel doubles really annoy me; as a listener, I feel like I've been taken for a fool. However, a dance break will surely save it.
Douze Points - The revamp of “Loop” caught my attention – with its slo-mo references and uptempo energy. Sure, more for simple souls. But on an emotional level I feel addressed and keep my fingers crossed.
Florian - The fact that Malta is trying to get as much out of it as possible with the revamp is commendable. Unfortunately, there is an extremely predictable number behind it that didn't got me in the preliminary round alredy. Sarah Bonnici also doesn't have enough star appeal to significantly increase the average number. It could just be enough to make it to the finals, but then at the latest “Loop” will be in the lower ranks.
Manu - In the preselection, Sarah Bonnici's dance choreography certainly allowed comparisons to the performance of the Spanish Chanel. It will therefore be exciting to see whether enough new dance steps will be practiced before the ESC in Malmö to avoid being remembered. The song is also in a similar musical genre, but even after the revamp it seems far too arbitrary, smooth and uninspired to me.
Max - Unfortunately one of my biggest flops this year. The song just doesn't catch me, I find it unimaginative in places, although the revamp was still able to get something out of it here. The dance choreo probably won't be able to do anything for me either. Here I also miss the ups and downs and that special something.
Peter -In the strong “woman-sings-funky-dance-uptempo” category, this isn't the very best Class of 24 offering, but it's good enough for nice listening and exuberant uphots in the Euroclub. The fat bass and the tempo changes are strong, the rest is more standard off the shelf. But ok, so why not

for the groove.
Rick - “Loop” has been received rather poorly by fans so far, which I find quite a shame. In my opinion the number is well produced and full of power, which really thrills me. Nevertheless, I can understand that the entry of course has little that is innovative and that we have often seen/heard the pop/dance style including the dance break. And next to the other female uptempo songs in the second semi (Greece, Austria, Georgia) it will be difficult to stand out. Still, I like Malta this year.