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Malta MALTA 2021 - Destiny - Je Me Casse

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September 28, 2009

Babe, are you hiding? Are you alright?
You look like an angel, that fell from the sky
And boy you keep talkin', massaging my ego
With your unoriginal pickup line

Hell no, I'm not your honey
Hell no, I don't want your money
Got it wrong, I ain't into dummies

So baby, it's not a maybe
Yeah, I'm too good to be true, but there's nothing in it for you
So if I show some skin, it doesn't mean I'm giving in
Not your baby

Je me casse, je me casse
If you don't get it (Je me casse)
Je me casse, je me casse
I'm not your baby

Boy, are you pouring that drink in my hand?
Thinking if I'm drunk then, I'll give you a chance
Boy, you keep buying and complaining so stop trying
Not gonna give it up and change my plans

Hell no, I'm not your honey
Hell no, I don't want your money
Got it wrong, I ain't into dummies

So baby, it's not a maybe
Yeah, I'm too good to be true, but there's nothing in it for you
So if I show some skin, it doesn't mean I'm giving in
Not your baby

Je me casse, je me casse
If you don't get it (Je me casse)
Je me casse (Je-je-je me casse)
If you don't...

Ladies, if you feel like flaunting tonight, it’s alright, it's alright
Ladies (Ladies), listen to me!
Listen and go right ahead, show you're shining

If you don't get it, if you, if you dont' get it (Je me casse)
If you don't get it, if you, if you don't get it
Excuse my French

Baby, it's not a maybe
Yeah, I'm too good to be true, but there's nothing in it for you
So if I show some skin, it doesn't mean I'm giving in
Not your baby

Je me casse
Je-je-je me casse
I'm not your baby​
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Active member
March 18, 2021
What evidence do you have for that?
Thankyou . Finally someone asks .
I don’t have personal contacts in the Maltese delegation or in YouTube , so I can’t give you a receipt of a transaction made by them as proofm

I only have precedence , the ESC Youtube channel in its May 2019 ranking of Top 10 watched songs placed Malta much lower than countries who had 2-3 M views lesser than it . That’s precidence of Malta resorting to unfair means with proof.

The number of likes/dislikes of a popular music video usually follow it’s views in a ratio of 1 like every 30 views initially . Malta has 3.5 M views and only 38k likes making a ratio of 1 in 92. That can mean 2 things , the music video is not very popular and is poor. But this is counteracted by its position (which I consider fake) at the top of the betting odds. The other option is that the views have been exaggerated by a proportion of around three times , cause if there had been 1.2 M views , the ratio of 1 in 33 would be just about right. That’s statistical and circumstantial evidence for you .

By contrast other countries in Top 5 of odds :

Switzerland has 1 like in 34 views .
France has 1 like in 33 views
Italy has 1 like in 21 views
Bulgaria 1 like in 35 views .

And countries still lower in odds have :
Germany at position 30 has 1 like in 43 views
Ireland at position 31 has 1 like in 39 views .
And you can name other countries with lower figures .
The ones who have a lower like/view than Malta are

(lol )
I’m sorry no countries

The 2nd lowest after Malta now is Poland at at 1 like for 74 views.

My point is statistically there is >99.7% chance ( as the likes/view of Malta lies beyond 3 standard deviations of the average ESC song ) that the views of Malta are fake


March 13, 2018
Thankyou . Finally someone asks .
I don’t have personal contacts in the Maltese delegation or in YouTube , so I can’t give you a receipt of a transaction made by them as proofm

I only have precedence , the ESC Youtube channel in its May 2019 ranking of Top 10 watched songs placed Malta much lower than countries who had 2-3 M views lesser than it . That’s precidence of Malta resorting to unfair means with proof.

The number of likes/dislikes of a popular music video usually follow it’s views in a ratio of 1 like every 30 views initially . Malta has 3.5 M views and only 38k likes making a ratio of 1 in 92. That can mean 2 things , the music video is not very popular and is poor. But this is counteracted by its position (which I consider fake) at the top of the betting odds. The other option is that the views have been exaggerated by a proportion of around three times , cause if there had been 1.2 M views , the ratio of 1 in 33 would be just about right. That’s statistical and circumstantial evidence for you .

By contrast other countries in Top 5 of odds :

Switzerland has 1 like in 34 views .
France has 1 like in 33 views
Italy has 1 like in 21 views
Bulgaria 1 like in 35 views .

And countries still lower in odds have :
Germany at position 30 has 1 like in 43 views
Ireland at position 31 has 1 like in 39 views .
And you can name other countries with lower figures .
The ones who have a lower like/view than Malta are

(lol )
I’m sorry no countries

The 2nd lowest after Malta now is Poland at at 1 like for 74 views.

My point is statistically there is >99.7% chance ( as the likes/view of Malta lies beyond 3 standard deviations of the average ESC song ) that the views of Malta are fake
Wow, I would never try to figure it out this way! Now it really is fishy.


Well-known member
February 26, 2012
Buying views, paying betting odds, sponsoring every single post on facebook and instagram... Begging for interviews... Damn, they are really trying so hard.. Maybe it's a better option to spend money on better song for a start...
Really really don't like such aggressive campaigns, it's hard to like something so aggressive.


Active member
March 25, 2021
This is what I immediately assumed. Only I did not calculate the exact ratio, I just thought that for such a number of views, likes are not enough.
It is also obvious that Serbia and Azerbaijan are engaged in the promotion of Azerbaijan and Serbia. :mrgreen:
This can be seen from the comments and indirectly confirmed by voting for songs on EurovisionWorld, where it is written that:
  • 98% of the voters from Azerbaijanhave voted on... Azerbaijan!
    There is nothing wrong with supporting your country, but cheating with monotonous messages like "in trends" and frank "let's get views to 3 million" amused. xrofl But here the fans, not the delegation, I think.


Well-known member
February 26, 2012
I don't remember well If she really mentioned somewhere that she will not win because Malta is small country and won't have many televote votes...
Excuse me Destiny? Malta finished 2nd in 2005 ?
Even if what she is saying is true, why is she being so hypocritical? Not mentioning on the other hand juries who give Malta many points every single year...


Well-known member
April 19, 2012
Malta cheat most years and have for a long time,most people who gamble on the contest know this because unlike fans (they are still fans,but have the money side as well) they need to see past the surface.They buy Youtube views regular and have this year heavily,this year they backed themselves on the betting exchanges when the song was released as well to create a buzz and most years they trade jury points with quite a few other countries.Fans dont like hearing about cheating at ESC,but im afraid its been a part of things forever.It ebs and flows over time how severe,but its got really bad the last decade,mainly because the EBU itself has been corrupt and very similar to FIFA with the same problems.I think things might start to improve going forward as the old guard at the EBU retires etc,lets hope so.
It should be added though Malta arent alone,many countries trade jury points and buy views etc.There is also a thin line between whats cheating and not cheating.Malta and Azer go to each others countries to perform,do photoshoots together etc then at ESC give each other a 12 or a 10 more usually.Is that cheating?,or is it simply because they became friendly?
The worry this year is that it could be a very close run year,and a few corrupt juries might actually mean a country wins instead of been second.Most years the jury cheating is more around the semis where one big jury score from someone can mean top 10 or not.

I should add i think a big problem the last few years has been the juries arent acting like juries and are ignoring the things they are supposed to score on.Instead many have been voting like uber fans and that isnt their job.I dont think it has affected the winner so far,but again,in a maybe tight year it might this year.


Well-known member
May 17, 2015
I wonder, without all the buzz, would have Malta received 10 or 12 pts from OGAE clubs. I know only a few have voted so far, but if fake views on Youtube, or fake betting or fake whatever really happens, then we might conclude such a thing might effect the outcome and then we have a serious problem. Otherwise, I don't care if countries use such methods to get attention, but if this might effect the final result...I am not for it.

Speaking of Malta, I love their ambition: but I am not buying this "we are too small to win televote" argument at all. Israel won with 300+ pts without neighbours, with horrible political PR (partially justified, to be honest) year after year and a pretty modest qualification record. Austria won the televote with 300+ pts, a country known for failures at ESC. I can go on and on. But I support investment in PR; why not. Norway won the televote, but came last like 10 times! Portugal. I mean...Portugal. So many examples.

Cyprus came second, I mean, c'mon!

As I stated earlier, I don't really enjoy Malta's song this year and I am annoyed by her voice, but my opinion on the song is one thing while everything above I wrote is another level, a different issue. I also have a big problem with the video and with disconnection between what we have there and what the song is, apparently, about. But I accept my views here might be totally wrong, but... Meh, I don't like it. It really looks and sounds like a cheap version of Toy and I am not talking here about money.
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Active member
March 18, 2021
Buying views, paying betting odds, sponsoring every single post on facebook and instagram... Begging for interviews... Damn, they are really trying so hard.. Maybe it's a better option to spend money on better song for a start...
Really really don't like such aggressive campaigns, it's hard to like something so aggressive.
Exactly. They are focusing on everything except the song.
The song is decent/good . But their method of deceitful and shove it down your throat PR is turning me so off , I'm kind of starting to dislike it to the core.


Well-known member
February 26, 2012
Exactly. They are focusing on everything except the song.
The song is decent/good . But their method of deceitful and shove it down your throat PR is turning me so off , I'm kind of starting to dislike it to the core.
True. It's not my cup of tea at all, but all this is making me dislike it even more.


Active member
March 18, 2021
I wonder, without all the buzz, would have Malta received 10 or 12 pts from OGAE clubs. I know only a few have voted so far, but if fake views on Youtube, or fake betting or fake whatever really happens, then we might conclude such a thing might effect the outcome and then we have a serious problem.
That's what they're trying to do. Juries are in fact more gullible . They look at the odds and the projected perception of the song.
Assuming a song is 1st in the odds , you'd be reluctant as a juror to place it towards the bottom even if you dislike it.
For OGAE and fans , it becomes a matter of conformism. You don't understand what's so great about this song , why is it no. 1 in odds ? So you keep going back to listen to it and find the greatness

Ultimately out of sheer familiarity you would tend to overate the song than you initially did. I made the same comment on many people increasing their score for Malta in the poll after weeks of listening to it I guess.


Well-known member
February 15, 2021
Thankyou . Finally someone asks .
I don’t have personal contacts in the Maltese delegation or in YouTube , so I can’t give you a receipt of a transaction made by them as proofm

I only have precedence , the ESC Youtube channel in its May 2019 ranking of Top 10 watched songs placed Malta much lower than countries who had 2-3 M views lesser than it . That’s precidence of Malta resorting to unfair means with proof.

The number of likes/dislikes of a popular music video usually follow it’s views in a ratio of 1 like every 30 views initially . Malta has 3.5 M views and only 38k likes making a ratio of 1 in 92. That can mean 2 things , the music video is not very popular and is poor. But this is counteracted by its position (which I consider fake) at the top of the betting odds. The other option is that the views have been exaggerated by a proportion of around three times , cause if there had been 1.2 M views , the ratio of 1 in 33 would be just about right. That’s statistical and circumstantial evidence for you .

By contrast other countries in Top 5 of odds :

Switzerland has 1 like in 34 views .
France has 1 like in 33 views
Italy has 1 like in 21 views
Bulgaria 1 like in 35 views .

And countries still lower in odds have :
Germany at position 30 has 1 like in 43 views
Ireland at position 31 has 1 like in 39 views .
And you can name other countries with lower figures .
The ones who have a lower like/view than Malta are

(lol )
I’m sorry no countries

The 2nd lowest after Malta now is Poland at at 1 like for 74 views.

My point is statistically there is >99.7% chance ( as the likes/view of Malta lies beyond 3 standard deviations of the average ESC song ) that the views of Malta are fake
Okay that is plausible and makes sense. One thing that I will say though, is that I watch the video 10-15x a day, and could only like the video once, so I have watched it more than 300x and could only like it once, and I know other people who do the same. That may be another explanation, but your explanation works too.


Well-known member
May 23, 2017
Its Time for Malta to be downvoted by the professional Juries for the first Time.


Active member
March 18, 2021
Okay that is plausible and makes sense. One thing that I will say though, is that I watch the video 10-15x a day, and could only like the video once, so I have watched it more than 300x and could only like it once, and I know other people who do the same. That may be another explanation, but your explanation works too.
Good question. All the song have fans who keep listening to the song and only like it once. The average for all songs would go up. There is 0% chance that only Malta has such fans that keep watching the video 15 times a day and the rest of the countries don't. That's why I've given you the numbers of all countries. It's the fact that it's 39th out of all countries and by quite a distance from the 38th country is the "proof". The aboslute number of 91 views for 1 like has no relevance without comparison to other countries.

But let's assume even if that's the case. Only Malta has such fans who keep watching the video again and again and rest of the countries don't , then it should have had the lowest dislike/like ratio because most of its views are coming from people who like the song a lot and are repeatedly playing it while for other songs the viewers can still dislike the song. But Malta doesn't have the lowest dislike/like ratio. It's like/dislike ratio is actually below the average , it's placed around 25th in terms of dislike/like . It's like/view Is more than 3 standard deviations away than average. Your explanation doesn't pass the statistical test.

The most disliked song in terms of like/dislike ratio (Poland) has more likes/view than the song on the top of the odds . Funny !
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Well-known member
May 23, 2017
We all wish... But it's never happening.... Especially since the juries are driven by betting odds..

The professional Juries let Cesar and Tamara win who were outside the Top13 and Raphael who was even in the Bottom5 I think.
In my Eyes Televoters are more influenced by the Betting Odds.


September 11, 2015
Birmingham, UK
Its Time for Malta to be downvoted by the professional Juries for the first Time.

It's not gonna happen, deal with it. "Je me casse" is exactly the type of a song juries should upvote, especially if they come from countries which struggle in the televoting (which should be abolished), like Malta.


Well-known member
February 26, 2012
The professional Juries let Cesar and Tamara win who were outside the Top13 and Raphael who was even in the Bottom5 I think.
In my Eyes Televoters are more influenced by the Betting Odds.
They are not professional. And also they voted Cyprus 2018 really high among other stupidites on their part...


September 11, 2015
Birmingham, UK
They are not professional. And also they voted Cyprus 2018 really high among other stupidites on their part...

Lol look, another person who lives in its own little imaginary word, who believes that juries should downvote revolutionary songs like "Fuego" and upvote fans-tailored blandness such as Iriao.
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