She looked so distanced and weird the entire performance, like her mind was somewhere else.... cool staging though, sounded decent, but i hope they can do better in the final.
I predict Malta will be the final opener.
I'm surprised people thought she looked nervous or claim she wasn't not 100%. She's a shy teenager, have you guys not learned anything from watching City Lights??? Unemphatic adults on the internet continue to be unemphatic adults.
She was the best of the semifinal. By far. Excellent staging, vocals and performance. Definitely the showstopper for me. I was a sceptic of the song before rehearsals but consider that dispelled 5ever.
Oh absolutely. That why Maraaya opened. And Laura Tesoro. and Imri. and Melovin.
All acts that barely made it.
Barely made what exactly? Maraaya was 5th in their semi, Laura and Imri were 3rd, Mélovin was 6th.
Oh absolutely. That why Maraaya opened. And Laura Tesoro. and Imri. and Melovin.
All acts that barely made it.