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ESC FINAL 2014 * powered by ScoreWIZ
What do you think of my prediction? I was not so picky about who gave which point to who, but rather their points and places. Can saturday end up like this do you think?
Semi 2 seems a formality now... out and everyone else in is my guess
You ask 2 questions:
My answer to your questions is:
1. I think that top 5 says more about your taste than the actually result
2. No
The top 5 is not my taste, it's my prediction. I've thought about the jury placings and the televoting and other predictions and how they place by the bookies. But it was just for fun so it's not a very serious prediction... What do you think then?
I think prediction is about believe and not taste, however when we predict about something like music taste is alway involved were ever we like it or not. The fact that you might put something in you final voting which you not necessary like and base it on observation like say "Greece is always in top 10 after the final" or "Armenia is winning because of the bedding odds say so" its placement would then be what you believe. But then again the placement of each song in your ranking is influenced more by what your like than what you has observed the past lets say 20 years (because the show is 59 years old). You have no observations what the jury like so that guess will be more influenced by your taste than you think. Ergo your top 5 says more about your taste than the actually result
2. still no
What was that no about?
Can saturday end up like this do you think?
Semi 2 seems a formality now... out and everyone else in is my guess
The Big Five Rule: Helpful or Not? |
How do you feel about this rule?
In my opinion this rule is the reason for the poor performances because other participants are already introduced to the viewer in the semi finals. So that they are more familiar to the audience.
Well I think that except the host all the others should have been in the semis. Except the part that they may fail to qualify, the else is really possitive cause:
1) they will do rehearshals with the other countries so the people will pay more attention
2) the people who aren't really interested will see more times the song and this is possitive cause it gives you time to like it