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Lithuania LITHUANIA 2024 - Silvester Belt - Luktelk

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June 16, 2018
:lt: Eurovizija.LT 2024 Semifinal Rankings

Semifinal 1
1. Silvester Belt - Luktelk
2. VB Gang - Kaboom!!!
3. Aistay - You
4. Marius Petrauskas - Kol laiko yra
5. Luka Kuraitė - Move On
6. Antoine Wend - Say No More
7. Živilė Gedvilaitė - Save Me
8. Clockwork Creep - Empty

Semifinal 2
1. Paula Urbana - It Is What It Is
2. Žalvarinis - Gaudė vėjai
3. Aistè - We Will Rule the World
4. Eley - Rock My Body
5. Multiks - Vėjas galvoje
6. Thomas G - Us
7. Andrius Pojavis - Sing Me a Hug
8. Deividas Valma - Blood on Your Hands

Semifinal 3
1. Anžela - Paskubėk
2. MeidĖ - Zoo
3. Mary Mo - Done
4. Baltos Varnos - In the Night
5. Sun Francisco - Trauka (Svaigsta galva)
6. Pluie de Comètes - Be Careful
7. Shower - Impossible
8. Sid Hallow - Here We Go Again

Semifinal 4
1. Monika Marija - Unlove You Starting Tomorrow
2. Martin - Jigsaw
3. Danielė - Cold Shower
4. Kasparas - Fool
5. Il Senso - Time
6. Vilija - Save Me
7. Agnė Buškevičiūtė - Puppeteer
8. Hansanova - Dragons and Rainbows

Semifinal 5
1. Kàro - Weightless
2. The Roop - Simple Joy
3. April Frey - New Years
4. Queens of Roses - Walk Through Fire
5. Freya Alley - Serenade
6. Emilija V - Trophy Wife
7. Lina Štalytė - Perfect
8. Petras - Run

Wasn't expecting my top 2 from the whole selection to come in the same semi but that's what happened. Down from the 2023 version but still nice enough. Semis 3 & 4 ended up the strongest for me and Semi 1 the weakest. The only one I struggled getting through.

I do hope to see them bring back the heats-semi-final format (if they need to reduce the number of entrants then so be it) for the sole reason of giving the newer artists a more even playing field when it comes to staging. That was the thing that struck me the most through these past 5 weeks.

As much as I loved Kàro, Daniele and Paula Urbana's songs they were on pretty much a hiding to nothing with almost no staging. In the past everyone that gets to the semifinals was given a budget of something like 3k to improve on their performance. Here the discrepancies between for example Monika Marija, Pluie de Comets, Aistè shows compared to some of the newbies were really paramount.

Anyway, bring on Klaipėda! :xcheer


December 12, 2011
Milky Way
My top faves from all shows:

1-Anžela "Paskubėk"
2-Emilija V "Trophy Wife"
3-VB Gang "Kaboom!!!"
4-Žalvarinis "Gaudė vėjai"
5-The Roop "Simple Joy"
6-Clockwork Creep "Empty"

My real faves are alredy out so The Roop are my last hope to beat Silvester. I don't think the other two stand a chance.
A small part of me wants Monika only so i could laugh at the meme about 3 Monikas in a row. :lol:

Also, LRT should start releasing all of the competing songs systematically. The thing i hate the most about this NF is having to do a manual youtube search to see if the competing song is out. They are the only country not doing this. xgaah


February 28, 2018
I like Roop in the official video, but not the live version. My fave would be Žalvarinis, but they won't stand a chance. So actually I am not that much invested in this show. :(


August 10, 2020
1. Il Senso
2. Zalvarinis

3. Queens Of Roses
4. Aisté

5. The Roop
6. Monika Marija

7. Silvester Belt

8. VB Gang
9. Shower

10. Pluie de Comètes

Codeword Iroquois

Well-known member
March 21, 2022
Copper Country
I'm rooting for the Roop personally, but I can see why people enjoy Luktelk. (for some reason, though, I don't quite mesh with it.)


November 15, 2020
another poll:

1. Silvester Belt: 47 % (1834)
2. The Roop: 26 % (1005)
3. VB Gang, Monika Marija and Shower - all 6 %
all others are below 5 %


Well-known member
March 11, 2020
I've relistened to all the songs in the final and I must say this is a very strong NF. Lithuania is really doing a great job and I hope they soon get their first win.

I'd be fine with either Silvester Belt, The Roop or Monika Marija. The Roop should be in charge of getting the victory in ESC some day, but definitely not with this song, so I'd rather select Silvester this time and hope for a later comeback with something as good as 'On Fire'.


June 16, 2018
Not ready for the Monika streak to end but oh well. :(

Anyway unlike others I don't see much of a difference in results from the current two favorites. Both will end up in the 7th-15th range. Easy qualifiers in Malmo and top 10 in the final with the tele-vote. Have gone back and forth all week but think The Roop might just take it over Silvester in the end due to their fan base and established name.

Disappointed that Žalvarinis only ended up bringing an album filler to the selection otherwise they could've been in the mix to win but alas. VB Gang would be a funny winner but probably not one of the better options if we are honest. Interested to see the changes from them and Shower. The latter's song which I still don't get.

:lt: Eurovizija.LT 2024 Final Rankings
1. Monika Marija - Unlove You Starting Tomorrow
2. The Roop - Simple Joy
3. Silvester Belt - Luktelk
4. Žalvarinis - Gaudė vėjai
5. Aistè - We Will Rule the World
6. VB Gang - Kaboom!!!
7. Queens of Roses - Walk Through Fire
8. Il Senso - Time
9. Pluie de Comètes - Be Careful
10. Shower - Impossible

lasse braun

Well-known member
March 20, 2021
All polls and odds predict a Silvester win but I have the bad feeling that since day one everything was set up for The Roop to win.
the bubble train is very looooooooooooooooooooooooooong. xcookie
remember,remember friday the 16th of february. xyaay
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