+ I expect some comments from our TV about her obviously Ukrainian surname. I just hope that people won't be turned off by such "advertisement".She was definately the best today!
Btw - I don't know if you know it, but Lithuania's singer will performed under name Ewelina Saszenko - she told the Polish press that Evelina Sasenko is a Lithuanian transcription of her name, but she is Polish, so she chooses the one she was born under.
Well done Ewelina for being brave in such choice. Lithuania is very negative about Polish transcriptions.
She was definately the best today!
Singing performance, piano, backdrop... everything was perfect & combined well except her dress. It makes her look older and fatter (especially the belly). Wish the song was less boring...
Her grandfather from paternal side was Ukrainian.+ I expect some comments from our TV about her obviously Ukrainian surname. I just hope that people won't be turned off by such "advertisement".
-Ewelina, you live in Lithuania but your roots are in Poland. What is your attachment to Poland?Ewelino, na co dzień mieszkasz na Litwie, ale masz polskie korzenie. W jakim stopniu związana jesteś z Polską?
Jestem Polką mieszkającą na Litwie. Większość moich przodków deklarowała korzenie polskie, ale mój dziadek ze strony taty był Ukraińcem - oto skąd pochodzi moje nazwisko. W domu mówimy po polsku. Ja i moja starsza siostra ukończyłyśmy polską szkołę, a młodsza nadal jest uczennicą polskiego gimnazjum. Swoje pierwsze muzyczne kroki stawiałam w Polsce. Myślę, mówię i marzę po polsku - to jest największym potwierdzeniem mojej narodowości. Jedni nazywają nas Litwinami, inni - Polakimi litewskimi, jeszcze inni - tutejszymi. A ja po prostu jestem Polką z krwi i kości.
Actually this dress suits the classic song. Lithuanian media are very positive about it