Eu (I)
Tu (You)
Você (You formal)
Ele (He)
Ela (She)
Nós (We)
Vós (You plural)
Eles (They male or male + female)
Elas (They female)
Vós is mostly used in rural areas, while "vocês" is used in urban areas.
Verb conjugation:
Ser/Estar (To Be)
Eu sou / estou
Tu és / estás
Ele,Ela,Você é / está
Nós somos / estamos
Vós sois / estais
Eles,Elas,Vocês são / estão
TER (to have)
Eu tenho
Tu tens
Ele tem
Nós temos
Vós tendes
Eles têm
´ (open vowel) - marks stressed syllable
^ (mid open vowel) - marks stressed syllable
~ (nasal vowel)
a (can be like c
at or b
e (can be like g
et, th
ey, mach
ine or rogu
e) the latter is more similar to french "e" sound, but not exactly
i and í (like bl
o (like g
od, s
aw, r
u and ú (like lag
oon) in certain Azores islands the stressed u is like french "u"
à and á (like b
â (like d
é (like br
ê (like th
ó (like sh
ô (like c
ã and õ (are nasal vowels, think of french "un" and "on")
an,am,en,em,in,im,on,om,un,um (are nasal vowels if in the same syllable)
à marks crasis, merger of "a" with another vowel, so "a + aquele = àquele, this is obligatory to merge)
it can only happen with "a", although sometimes "o" in cases like "para + o = prò, informal and not obligatory to merge)
There are many dipthongs, but the main ones are:
ai (like h
ei (like s
ay, but lower)
éi (like s
ay, but stronger "é")
oi (like n
oise, sometimes like "ói")
ói (like D
ui (like "oo" + "y")
au (like n
eu (like "ê" + "w")
éu (like "é" + "w)
iu (like f
ou (like sn
ão (nasal a + w)
õe (nasal o + y)
b,f,k,m,n,p,q,t,v,w,y,z (same as english)
B (mostly like "b", although between vowels it has softer sound)
C (like "k" before a,o,u; like "s" before e and i)
D (like "d", but between vowels you will sometimes hear "th" as in "the")
G (like "g" before a,o,u; like "zh" before e and i, as in A
H (silent always, unless if after c,l,n, where it forms a special sound)
J (like french "j")
L (like english "l", but at end of syllables its becomes velarized)
R (has 2 main sounds: single R is like le
tter or like spanish single "r" (pa
r), double R, initial R or R after "n" or "l" (
rua, co
rrer, en
rolar, al
redor) is like french "r" - but you can also hear it like spanish double "r" in some regions, and also like spanish "j" or german "ch" in some areas). Its a messy letter for sure
S (like english "S" at beginning (
sapo) or after consonant (bol
so), like "z" between vowels (me
sa), like "sh" before voiced consonants (e
strada, like "zh" before voiceless consonants (me
X (like "sh" at beginning and sometimes in middle of words (
xaile) (me
xer), like "ks" in the middle or end (tá
xi) (tóra
x), like "z" in the prefix "ex+vowel (e
xame), like "s" in some words also (pró
ximo)) another messy letter with few rules
Z (like english "z" at beginning and middle (
zebra) (di
zer), like "sh" at the end (feli
Sometimes the letter "C" and "P" can be silent (they opened the preceding vowel) - although they have recently been removed by the new orthography agreement, most portuguese people, including myself, still write the way they learnt. So baptismo is now batismo, correcção is now correção.
CH (like "sh)
cheio - full
NH (like french "gn", sort of "ny" sound) le
nha - wood
LH (like italian "gl", sort of "ly" sound) a
lho - garlic
Ç (like "s", only used before a,o,u) a
çúcar - sugar
RR (like french "r" or spanish "j", only between vowels) be
rrar - yell
SS (like "s", only between vowels) ma
ssa - pasta
all other possible digraphs produce no special sounds.
K,W,Y - used in foreign words that have been adopted into the language: kiwi; whisky; windsurf; kart; kartódromo; skate; skatar; sexy; yoga; show; look; ranking; marketing; vodka; stock; software; spray; derby; burka; viking; jukebox; poker; Kuwait; Kosovo; Kiev; Seychelles; Malawi; Lyon; Washington; etc...
0 - zero
1 - um
2 - dois
3 - três
4 - quatro
5 - cinco
6 - seis
7 - sete
8 - oito
9 - nove
10 - dez
11 - onze
12 - doze
13 - treze
14 - catorze
15 - quinze
16 - dezasseis
17 - dezassete
18 - dezoito
19 - dezanove
20 - vinte
30 - trinta
40 - quarenta
50 - cinquenta
60 - sessenta
70 - setenta
80 - oitenta
90 - noventa
100 - cem
200 - duzentos
300 - trezentos
400 - quatrocentos
500 - quinhentos
600 - seiscentos
700 - setecentos
800 - oitocentos
900 - novecentos
1000 - mil
1,000,000 - milhão
+s after vowel (mala - malas) bag(s)
+es after consonant (doutor - doutores) doctor(s)
if it ends in "m", change to "ns" (fim-fins) end(s)
if it ends in "al", change to "ais" (sal-sais) salt(s)
if it ends in "el", change to "éis" (anel-anéis) ring(s)
if it ends in "il", change to "is" (funil-funis) funnel(s)
if it ends in "ol", change to "óis" (sol-sóis) sun(s)
if it ends in "ul", change to "uis" (azul-azuis) blue(s)
^^all of these have several exceptions to the rule
if it ends in "ão", it can either change to "ões" (most common), "ãos" or "ães". No rule for this one. (melão-melões) melon(s); (cão-cães) dog(s); (mão-mãos) hand(s)
Some irregular plurals are some words ending in "s" or "x" that dont change.
The word "qualquer" (whichever) that has internal plural transformation into "quaisquer".
Plural is harder to teach in compound words like "guarda-chuva" (umbrella), in this case it becomes "guarda-chuvas"; "flor-de-lis"
becomes "flores-de-lis".
Como te chamas? (What is your name?)
Chamo-me Pedro (My name is Pedro)
Onde moras? (Where do you live?)
Moro no Porto (I live in Oporto)
Quantos anos tens? (How old are you?)
Tenho 30 (I'm 30)
Curtes ver a Eurovisão? (Do you dig watching eurovision?)
É demais (It's great)
É fixe (It's cool)
Mais ou menos (more a less)
É uma seca (It's boring)
É uma porcaria (It sucks)
Eu amo (I love) Eurovisão
Eu adoro (I adore) Eurovisão
Eu gosto (I like) Eurovisão
Eu curto (I dig) Eurovisão
Eu não gosto (I dont like) Eurovisão
Eu detesto (I hate) Eurovisão
Eu odeio (I loathe) Eurovisão
Eu amo-te (I love you)
Eu não te amo (I dont love you)
Ver a eurovisão é (Watching eurovision is....):
Excitante (exciting)
Stressante (stressful)
Chato (boring)
Irritante (annoying)
Fixe (cool)
Espectacular (amazing)
Hope you enjoyed my small lesson