According to Wikipedia, Aminata only worked on the lyrics of "Still breathing". So no need to bring her up as an argument for the musical quality of this song.
Honestly?! You need Aminata to write this??
This is a bland and predictable as it can be. The only lyrical cliché that is missing is the infamous fire-desire thing. (as we already have the "take it-make it" and the "go on - be strong" banality here... not to mention the "keep on running till I reach the end".)
I think, anybody who mentions Aminata in the context of Latvia 2020 doesn't do her any good. Let's rather keep the good memory of "Love injected"...
I couldn't agree with you less than I do right now. Surely there is many talented songwriters that might have understood with what to write to this song, but Aminata is one of them. And why you might ask?
Well, firstly, look at who is singing. Samanta Tina has got to be the wacky character with the weirdest songs that she goes totally all in for, but is just too crazy to work even for the Latvian people. To even have a chance on winning Supernova, she would need a song that is crazy enough to keep her brand, but still a song that shows off her talents. She has a massive voice that hasn't even been in display in the same way as it does in "Still Breathing", where she is raising the bar more and more and MOOOOORE. She is also extremly charismatic and that makes the song even stronger. I am sure that Samanta had the melody down, but she knew somehow that she needed a lyricist that would both bring her some publicitiy (Aminata is very successful for Latvia in ESC) but also that know and understands what kind of singer Samanta is and what the song is going to be about. And knowing after the #metoo-movement going throughout the world, then that is probably her biggest inspiration (also, she has seen two pro-women songs, "Toy" and "Proud" do very well in ESC, so yeah that inspired her too I suppose). So having two pretty wellknown women writing a female-empowering song might not be bad choice if you want to go far.
Sure, the lyrics aren't that special, that beautiful or different to be fair, but Aminata has probably, more or less, worked with Samanta to bring out the point of the song (which is to break old-fashioned and stereotyphical women roles) and made a song that fits Samanta like a glove. It is funny, it is wacky, it is very Eurovision but still pretty modern and actually has a deep message if you listen carefully to the few words that you can understand from Samantas strong accent (which is both an advantage and a disadvantage). It is not that many songwriters that would pull off and understand what to write to such a singer as Samanta..she is quite a rare act to be fair, with lots of flavour, and that needs to be pulled out in the right amount. So yeah, I believe that Aminata has probably mostly focused on the lyrics, but I am sure that she has tweaked the melody here and there, as has Samanta, who added a word or two, making it easier to sing it for her. That is how songwriters work, even if they on paper are standing on each side on the song.
So in conclusion, Aminata is a very talented songwriter, and I just know that she will probably write MANY latvian entries in the future, that fits the singer, even if it doesn't fit my or your taste.